________________ Bibl. Ind. has been placed by Satishacandra at about 847 A.D. from Tibetan Sources. The author of Apochasiddhi... is very bitter against Dhar mottar, and he takes a good deal of pains in elaborately refuting the theory of Vasashatin Misra. We can, therefore, safely place, the author by the end of the tent ? centuras. It is a significant fact. that he does not quote or refute. Udayana, whose date is saka 905.983 A.D. (See preface to Jadunatha Sarv athauma's edition of Atmatattva-Vivekal This will make Ratna kirti a younger... contemporary of Vacaspati Misra 1. In the two parts of Srouritur, Ratnakirti attempts to establish by direct and indirect method the theory of the momentariness of the world...