and the total number of the aphorisms contained in these padās is 1401. The arrangement of the topics in Kätantra vyakarana is : sandhi, nămni catuştaya, ākhyāta and kydanta.
Thus we finish the description of the external form of Malayagiri's Sabdānušāsana.
Pāṇini gives first the Maheśvarasūtras and then the method of pratyāhāra. Pāņini gives ac' and 'hal' samjñās to these pratyāhāras. He does not employ the samjñās like svara, vyañjana, ghosa, etc. Malayagiri accepts the samjñās like svara, vyañjana, etc. as well as the sanjñās like ik, an, ec, etc. Pāṇini explains the pratyāhāras by the aphorism
ādih antyena saha itah' (I. 1. 71). Similarly, Malayagiri explains ik, an, etc by the aphorisms like ek itaḥ' 'ytaḥ an' etc. This is Malayagiri's own invention.
The oldest of all sanskrit grammars is that of Pāṇini. All other grammars mainly follow Pāṇini. The rules regarding the prakriyās of sandhi, nāma, ākhyāta, kyt. taddhita is the same in all the grammars. No grammar accepts the forms dandagram, rāmu, pacuti, karpu, gārgyuh in place of dandā grám, rāmaḥ, pacali, karty, gār gyah respectively. This clearly points out that here in the field of grammar there is no scope for displaying one's originality. One grammar differs from another with regard to samjñās, the arrangement of the topics and aphorisms, anubandha of vidhānas, numbers of adhyāya, pada and sätras and the order of letters in pratyayas. The novelties of this type are found in Malayagiri's Śabdānuśāsana. We demonstrate them as follows:
na plutasya anitau (1. 1. 99) plutasya anitau aci pare yat prapnoti tan na bhavati / (Vytti )
plutah asandhih anitau
(Sandhi IV, Suo 1) padānte iti vartate / itiśabdasthavarjite svare pare padānte vårtamånaḥ asandhi bhavati / (Vytti)
gitaḥ (1. 1. 100) gānubandhasya aci pare tannimittam yat prāpnoti tan na bhavati i (Vytti)
e dvivacanam (Sandhi IV, São 2) dvivacanabhato yaḥ prakāraḥ sa svare pare asandhir bhavati / git (Sandhi IV, São 3) gānubandhah svare pare asandhi bhavati 1 (Vytti)
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