towards the north, since the north is the quarter of men. It should rise somewhat towards the south, that being the quarter of the Fathers. Were it to incline towards the south, the sacrifice would quickly go to yonder world; but in this way the sacrificer lives long let it therefore rise somewhat towards the south.
3. Let not the measure of the sacrificial ground be exceeded on the east side, since such an excess would be in favour of his spiteful enemy. It may be so in the south, and also in the north; but that place of worship alone is thoroughly efficient where the measure of the sacrificial ground is exceeded in the west; for to him (who possesses such a one) the higher1 worship of the gods readily inclines. So much as to the place of worship.
4. Now Yâgñavalkya spake, 'We went to choose a place of worship for Vårshnya. Sâtyayagña then said, "Verily, this whole earth is divine: on whatever part thereof one may sacrifice (for any
'Or 'subsequent;' a play on the word 'uttara,' which has the meanings 'upper (superior), later, and left (north).' Dr. Lindner takes it in the sense of 'from the north.' Possibly uttara also refers to the Soma-altars (uttara vedi and uttara-vedi) to be prepared later on (see III, 5, 1, 1 seq.) on the eastern part of the sacrificial ground.
"The Kânva text reads,-Accordingly Yagñavalkya spake, 'Vârshna intended to sacrifice (ayakshyata). Thus we went (ayama 1) to look for a place of worship.' He who is known as Sâtyayagñi said, 'Verily, this whole earth is divine: a place of worship there is wheresoever one sacrifices on it, after enclosing it with a yagus.' And thus indeed he thought, but the officiating priests doubtless constitute the (real) place (medium) of worship: where wise (priests) perform the sacrifice in due form, there alone no failure takes place. That (other definition) is not the characteristic of the place of worship. (Without final iti.)
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