he thereby takes a firmer and firmer hold of the sacrifice: let him therefore turn in his fingers and restrain his speech on that (former) occasion.
38. And when he restrains his speech-speech being sacrifice-he thereby appropriates the sacrifice to himself1. But when, from speech restrained, he utters any sound (foreign to the sacrifice), then that sacrifice, being set free, flies away. In that case, then, let him mutter either a rik or a yagus addressed to Vishnu, for Vishnu is the sacrifice: thereby he again gets hold of the sacrifice; and this is the atonement for that (transgression).
39. Thereupon some one 2 calls out, 'Consecrated is this Brâhman, consecrated is this Brâhman:' him, being thus announced, he thereby announces to the gods: 'Of great vigour is this one who has obtained the sacrifice; he has become one of yours: protect him!' this is what he means to say. Thrice he says for threefold is the sacrifice.
40. And as to his saying, ' Brâhman,' uncertain, as it were, is his origin heretofores; for the Rakshas, they say, pursue women here on earth, and so the Rakshas implant their seed therein. But he, forsooth, is truly born, who is born of the Brahman (neut.), of the sacrifice: wherefore let him address even a Râganya, or a Vaisya, as Brâhman, since he who is born of the sacrifice is born of the Brahman (and hence a Brahmana). Wherefore they say, 'Let no one slay a sacrificer of Soma; for by (slaying) a Soma-sacrificer he becomes guilty of a heinous sin*!'
Or, puts it in himself, encloses it within himself.
That is, some one other than the Adhvaryu, viz. the Pratiprasthâtri or some other person, Kâty. VII, 4, II scholl. That is, inasmuch as he may be of Rakshas origin. Viz. of the crime of Brâhmanicide (brahmahatyâ).
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