than with such power as would enable him to cross mountains and bring down stars from the sky. This is the greatest magic of Fate. Seeing Nirankusha weeping and stopping without completing the sentence beyond the words "Your fondled,...." Shursen became impatient. He put his hand on the head of the queen and said :
"Darling do not delay now. Do not now call him my fondled. I give you oath in my name. Immediately tell all the facts to me. The matter will end thire. Deaeth is now hovering over his head."
Completing the drama, the queen
"Swami! I would not say anything more. It would be enough for me to say that you should immediately perform the marriage ceremony of Amarsen-Vayarsen. I shall now end my life. It is better to die than to live a miserable life."
The king said :