completely disappears when it is put in: fire of test. The lust for the younger queen has to day put on the disguise of love and self-surrender. A day will however difinitlly come when that lust will luse all its lustre. Its spuriousness will: become public in the world. The Maharaj will realise his mistake at that time and then repent. The spell of intoxication is short-lived. Its repentence however lasts. for a very long time.”
Maharani Vijaya said :
"Just take it for granted that every-- thing happens as you say. But how shall I be able to get my sons ? I am weeping. for them only.”
The chief minister said :
“Maharaniji ! Fate works wonders. It is possible that you may be able to see: Amar-Vayar again. Even if they have been killed, the Maharaj and queen Nirankusha. should be considered to be means only. The external and visible cause is generally a pretext only. It is said that God of