Book Title: Reviews Of Diffeent Books
Author(s): J W De Jong
Publisher: J W De Jong

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Page 20
________________ 214 REVIEWS different from that of the critical edition of the Kathasruti Upanişad. Anandānubhava's reading is found in the Katharudra Upanisad. On p. 123 the text quotes Harīta: Naste jalapavitre vā tridande vāpramadatah/ekam tu vaiņavam dandam pālāśam bailvam eva vā/grhītvā vicaret tāvad yāval labhyet tridandakam // Olivelle remarks that most editions read vā pramādatah (p. 138, n. 135). He is certainly correct in reading vāpramādatah, but I do not think that apramādatah refers to grhitvā "he should diligently take" and I would prefer to connect it with naste: "When the water strainer or the triple staff is spoilt without this being due to negligence." In volume two on p. 10 (phrase 43) the text has mātrān daśa which is probably a misprint for mātrā daśa, for mātrā is the technical term for the personal belongings of a renouncer (cf. volume one, p. 27), and not mātra. On p. 18 (phrase 69) Olivelle translates atmasammitam by 'one that he likes'. A danda ātmasammita is 'a stick of he same size as himself', cf. Dattātreya's murdhni sammitān (p. 11, phrase 76) and murdhasammitān (p. 49, phrase 26). On p. 30 Olivelle translates atha khalu saumyaite parivrājak, yathā prādurbhavanti tathā bhavanti with “Now, my dear, these wanderers become (after death) what they appear to be (here)." Olivelle remarks that he follows Schrader and Sprockhoff in translating this phrase. I wonder whether it is not possible to translate: “... these wanderers are as they appear [i.e. their inner disposition agrees with their behaviour and appearancel." P. 90 'six faults' (phrase 114) is a slip of the pen for 'eight faults'. On p. 120 Olivelle translates: "In the evening (he should go) begging clockwise to households of all varņas without discrimination, avoiding those of a bad repute and of the outcastes" (phrase 32). Avicikitsitam means rather 'without doubt, without hesitation than 'without discrimination'. On p. 99 phrase 55 reads: iha tāvat tvatpakşapātivijñāneśvarādyanudāhrtatvāt, tvatpaksapratiksepakair yādavācāryabhāskaraprabhrtibhir bahuśruter upanyasya dūsitatvābhāvāc ca samdigdhaśrutitvādişu kesucid vacaneșu apratyayād eva parihāraḥ. Olivelle translates: "... Yādavaprakāśa, Bhāskara Ācārya, and the like who have refuted your position do not allude to and censure many of these Vedic texts." In a note he remarks that the precise meaning of bahuśruteh in this context is unclear. I think that one must read bahuśrutaih: "... scholars such as Yādavaprakāśa, Bhāskara Ācārya and others who have refuted your position have referred to them and have not censured them." P. 116 phrase 403 reads: na ca jātyādyanurūpasambandhādivarjanāt bhagavadbhakteşv api tesv avajñādiprasanga iti vācyam. Olivelle translates: “It cannot be said that, since we avoid certain types of relationships with them in accordance with their caste and the like, we should also show marks of disrespect to them, even though they are


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