Book Title: Reviews Of Diffeent Books
Author(s): J W De Jong
Publisher: J W De Jong

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Page 53
________________ REVIEWS 247 Leid entstehen” but “existences, spring of misery" (SB). In 11.23 it is said of Buddha's tongue: aho gocaracaritvam aho nyāyaikatănată. Hartmann translates: “Welche Anhänglichkeit gegenüber dem Stall, welches Ausgerichtetsein auf die Regeln!” In a note Hartmann remarks: "Tib. übersetzt gocara, "Weide, Stall", mit dem üblichen Äquivalent spyod pa (in Päda c), wodurch der Bezug zum Pferd, der an den vorausgehenden Vers anknüpft, verloren geht.” The small Petersburg dictionary gives the meaning "Weideplatz für Rinder" without giving any reference. The only places quoted in MonierWilliams's dictionary are Apśr. i, 2, 4 and (R. iv, 44, 80). SB has: "How wonderful its range of action, how wonderful its undeviating adherence to rule.” The translation "range of action" can very well refer to the horse. In 9.21 Hartmann translates mahāprapātāndhakāraparidāha by "Finsternis und ausserordentliche Qual tiefer Abgründe.” SB has "(suffering) anguish amid the darkness of the great abyss.” 9.26cd has: rathātirathasamkhyā tu kā kleśavijite jane. Hartmann translates: "die Zahl der Haupthelden unter den Helden aber, wie (gross kann die sein) in einer Welt, die von den Befleckungen besiegt ist?” Hartmann has misinterpreted the meaning of samkhyā kā, cf. SB: "but among people vanquished by impurity what reckoning can there be of warriors' excellence?" In 12.6 Hartmann translates sarvākārabala by "Macht über alle Erscheinungen", SB has "every kind of strength". The meaning of it is "force (which is complete) in all aspects". In quite a few cases SB has adopted more suitable equivalents than Hartmann, cf. 5.13 praksepāpanaya; Hartmann "Aufbauschen und Verstümmeln"; SB "inserting (and) excluding”. Better would be "adding and omitting"; 10.22 surāmbhoruhagarbhābham angam te; Hartmann "dein wie der Kelch eines Götterlotos scheinender Körper"; SB "Your body, resembling the calyx of a celestial lotus" (cf. Tib. gser gyi padma'i sñin po Itar); 11.25 punyaślokamayena; Hartmann "die aus den verdienstvollen Lauten besteht; SB "that which consists in the glory of merit." Hartmann never translates the word dharma which has many different meanings in the VAV.4 This results in such rather clumsy renderings as "Den den Dharma der beständigen (Unverwirrtheit besitzt" for nityāsammoșadharmāya (2.35c). Hartmann has added to his book a pāda index of both the VAV and the PPU and an index of selected words. He announces a complete word index for both texts which will be very useful. NOTES Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa is probably the original title of T. 1509 and not Mahāprajñā


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