Book Title: Recent Publications

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________________ 162 RECENT PUBLICATIONS 349-357); A. Wayman, Observations on the History and Influence of the Buddhist Tantra in India and Tibet (pp. 359-363); T. V. Wylie, Some Political Factors in the Early History of Tibetan Buddhism (pp. 365-372); I. Yamada, Premises and Implications of 'Interdependence' (Pratityasamutpada) (pp. 373-399); E. Zurcher, Buddhism in a Pre-Modern Bureaucratic Empire: The Chinese Experience (pp. 401-411); L. Zwilling, On Bhaisajyaguru and His Cult (pp. 413-421). Johannes Mehlig, Kalidasa. Werke. Ubersetzung, Nachwort und Erklarungen. Leipzig, Verlag Philipp Reclam jun., 1983. 339 pp. DDR 2,50M. Translation of Abhijnanasakuntala, Vikramorvasiya, Malavikagnimitra, Meghaduta and . Rtusamhara. Nachwort (pp. 279-319), Erklarung von phonetischen Werten und von Transliterationszeichen (p. 320), Namen- und Sacherklarungen (pp. 321-335), Bibliographie (pp. 336-338). Hans-Georg Turstig, Uber Entstehungsprozesse in der Philosophie des Nyaya-Vaisesika-Systems (Beitrage zur Sudasien-Forschung, Band 78). Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH., 1982. XIX, 101 pp. DM 24,-- Examination of the processes of origination mostly based on later texts such as the Tarkabhasa and the Tarkasamgraha. Chapter one deals with the seven padartha (1. Ur-Sachen, pp. 5-9), chapter two with a whole and its parts (2. Sachen. Das Ganze und seine Teile, pp. 10-13), chapter three with different causes (3. Ursachen, pp. 14-23), chapter four with the origination of substances: paramanu, dvyanuka, tryanuka, caturanuka, the elements (4. Entstehung von Substanzen, pp. 24--34), chapter five with the origination of qualities (5. Entstehung von Eigenschaften, pp. 35-63) and chapter six with the origination of movements (6. Entstehung von Bewegungen, pp. 64-66). The appendix contains translations of passages from the Padarthadharmasamgraha, the Nyayakan dali, the Kiranavali, the Tarkabhasa, the Tarkabhasaprakasika and the Tarkadipika (pp. 67-81). In note 60 read asati visaye patubuddhir bhavanti for asti visaye patubuddhir bhavanti; in note 90 read karanatvam eva nasti for karanatvam evastina. Karaikkalammaiyar. Chants devotionnels tamouls. Edition et traduction par Karavelane. Introduction par Jean Filliozat. Nouvelle edition avec postface et index glossaire par Francois Gros (Publications de l'Institut Francais d'Indologie No. 1). Pondichery, Institut Francais d'Indologie, 1982. 171 pp., 17 pl. La nouvelle edition reproduit l'introduction 1956 de Jean Filliozat avec une note additionnelle de l'auteur (pp. 14-16). Elle contient en outre la traduction francaise de la vie de Karaikka lammaiyar de Cekkilar publiee en 1906 par Jules Vinson (pp. 73-94), une etude par Francois Gros: Karaikkalammaiyar entre son oeuvre et ses legendes (pp. 95-114) et un index-glossaire par Francois Gros (pp. 118-151).


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