Book Title: Recent Publications

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________________ 160 RECENT PUBLICATIONS Nils G. Holm (ed.), Religious Ecstasy. Based on Papers read at the Symposium on Religious Ecstasy held at Abo, Finland, on the 26th-28th of August 1981 (Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis XI). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1982. IV, 306 pp. Sw.Kr. 103.50. Of the twenty articles in this volume only one is directly related to the field covered by the Indo-Iranian Journal, i.e. Per-Arne Berglie, Spirit-Possession in Theory and Practice, Seances with Tibetan Spirit-mediums in Nepal (pp. 151-166). Other articles deal with psychological, physiological, historical and sociological aspects of ecstasy. The following titles will give some idea of the great variety of topics studied: Nils G. Holm, Ecstasy Research in the 20th Century - An Introduction (pp. 7-26); Anna-Leena Siikala, The Siberian Shaman's Technique of Ecstasy (pp. 103-121); Gunnel Andre, Ecstatic Prophesy in the Old Testament (pp. 187-200); Hans Akerberg, The Unio Mystica of Teresa of Avila. Two Classical Presentations in the Light of Psychology (pp. 275-306). Peter Pfandt, Mahayana Texts Translated into Western Languages. A Bibliographical Guide. In Kommission bei E. J. Brill, Koln, 1983. XV, 167 pp. This bibliography comprises 264 Indian Mahayana texts. Vinaya literature, narrative literature and Tantric texts are excluded but Prajnaparamita literature is included. The texts are listed according to the sequence of the Latin alphabet. The titles of the Chinese translations are, noted in Pinyin transcription and in Sino-Japanese transcription. The Tibetan titles are given according to the Tohoku catalogue of the Derge Kanjur and Tanjur. The four indices list Sanskrit titles not to be found in the bibliography, Chinese titles, Japanese titles and Tibetan titles. On pp. vi-vii, bibliographies of Buddhist texts are enumerated. Not mentioned is Hans Ludwig Held, Deutsche Bibliographie des Buddhismus. Munchen-Leipzig, 1916 (reprint 1973). It is to be hoped that a future edition will also include narrative literature and Tantric texts. A. K. Narain (ed.), Studies in Pali and Buddhism. A Memorial Volume in Honor of Bhikkhu Jagdish Kashyap. Delhi, B. R. Publishing Corporation, 1979. xxxii, 422 pp. Rs. 180; $36,-. This volume in memory of Bhikkhu Jagdisch Kashyap (1908-1976) contains a biography by A. K. Narain: Bhikkhu Jagdish Kashyap (A Biography) (pp. xv-xxxii) and the following articles: H. B. Aronson, Equanimity (Upekkha in Theravada Buddhism (pp. 1-18); A. C. Banerjee, The Theravada School of Buddhist Thought (pp. 19-23); H. Bechert, Remarks on Four Buddhist Sanskrit Works Composed in Sri Lanka (pp. 25-27); G. D. Bond, The Nature and Meaning of the Netti-Pakarana (pp. 29-39); J. R. Carter, The Notion of 'Refuge' (Sarana) in the Theravada Buddhist Tradition (pp. 41-52); R. J. Corless, The Garland of Love: A History of Religious Hermeneutic of Nembutsu Theory and Practice (pp. 53-73); D. D. Daye, Methodological Remarks on 20th Century Studies of Buddhist Inference (Anumana) (pp. 75-82); T. L. Dowling, Karma Doctrine and Sectarian Development (pp. 83-92); I. Fiser, Pali averam, Dhammapada 5 (pp. 93-97); B. G. Gokhale, On Buddhist Historiography (pp. 99-108); H. V. Guenther, A Structural Analysis of the Abhidharmakosa: First Chapter (pp. 109-113); I. B. Horner, The Buddha's Co-Natals (pp. 115-120); L. Hurvitz, The Eight Deliverances (pp. 121-169); Y.-H. Jan, A Ninth-Century Chinese Classification of Indian Mahayana (pp. 171-182); P. S. Jaini, On the Buddha Image (pp. 183-188); L. M. Joshi, The Meaning of Nirvana (pp. 189-195); Y. Kajiyama, Mahayana Buddhism and the Philosophy


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