Book Title: Recent Publications

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________________ RECENT PUBLICATIONS Hermann Kulke in collaboration with Gaganendranath Dash, Manmath Nath Dash, Karuna Sagar Behera, Orissa. A Comprehensive and Classified Bibliography. Beitrage zur Sudasienforschung, Band 72). Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1982. xxiii, 416 pp. DM 96,-. The Orissa Bibliography was compiled in 1970-1974. The manuscript was sent to the press in October 1975, but additional information collected in the years 1975-1980 is to be found in the classified addenda (pp. 337-391). The main divisions are: 1. Museums and Archives (pp. 1-2); 2. Orissa, General (pp. 2-7); History (pp. 7-81); Religion and Philosophy (pp. 81-104); 5. Art (pp. 104-128); 6. Language and Literature (pp. 128-272); 7. Social Anthropology (pp. 272-302); 8. Education (pp. 303-305); 9. Politics, Government and Administration (pp. 306-318); 10. Economy (pp. 318-334); 11. Miscellaneous Studies (pp. 334-336); 12. Classified Addenda (pp. 337-391); Authors' Index (pp. 392-416). This detailed bibliography will be an indispensable tool for all Indologists. Journal of the Nepal Research Centre, Vol. 4 (Humanities) 1980, viii, 288 pp. DM 42,-; Vol. 5/6, 1981/82, iii, 202, 55 pp. DM 48,-. Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. These two recent volumes of the Journal of the Nepal Research Centre (JNRC) contain the following articles: Vol. 4 - G. E. Clarke, A Helambu History (pp. 1-38); A. Hofer, On Cire Perdue Casting in Nepal (pp. 39-66); S. Wiehler-Schneider and H. Wiehler, A Classification of Traditional Musical Instruments of the Nevars (pp. 67-132); M. Hahn, Gopadatta's Kapisvarajataka (pp. 133-159); N. Gutschow and H. Shakya, The Monasteries (baha and bahi) of Patan (pp. 161-174); K. T. Seeland, The Use of Bamboo in a Rai Village in the Upper Arun Valley (pp. 175-187); S. Dietz, The Fifth Chapter of Nagarjuna's Ratnavali (pp. 189--220); M. Hahn, On the Identification of Gopadatta's Jatakas, (pp. 221-222); H. Rau, On the Origin of the Pagoda Style in Nepal (pp. 223-232); F.-K. Erhard, Tibetan Texts in the National Archives, Kathmandu (pp. 233-250); J.-U. Hartmann, Notes on the Gilgit Manuscript of the Candraprabhavadana (pp. 251-266); M. R. Pant, On a Verse of the Kautaliya Arthasastra (pp. 267-271); H. Brinkhaus, References to Buddhism in the Nepalamahatmya (pp. 273-286). Vol. 5/6 - B. Kolver, Obituary - Dr Wolfgang Voigt (pp. I-III); W. Haffner, The Kathmandu Valley: A Study in Regional Geography (pp. 3-26); W. Ferro, Limnology of the Pokhara Valley Lakes (Himalayan Region, Nepal) and its Implications for Fishery and Fish Culture (pp. 27-52); J. Martens, Fauna of the Nepal Himalayas - Genesis and Research (pp. 53-98); R. Greve, A Shaman's Concept of Illness and Healing Ritual in the Mustang District, Nepal (pp. 99-124); M. Hahn, On a New Edition of Harsadeva's Nagananda (pp. 125-131); B. Kolver, Chronicles and Deeds on Currency and Land (Documents from Nepal 3) (pp. 133-153); M. R. Pant, Nepal and the Wazir Ali Affair (pp. 155-175); U. Muller, Pottery-Making in Thimi (pp. 177-191); R. Bielmeier, Report on the Research Project "Tibeto-Burmese Oral Narrative Tradition" (pp. 193-198); H. Brinkhaus, A Short Note on the Older Vamsavalis of Nepal (pp. 199-202); Nepalese National Bibliography for 1981 (pp. 1-54). Indo-Iranian Journal 28 (1985) 159-165.


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