Book Title: Recent Buddhist Studies In Europe And America
Author(s): J W De Jong
Publisher: J W De Jong

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Page 16
________________ DE JONG which was also translated into Spanish by Luis Gómez.85 The same scholar translated the third Bhāvanākrama into Spanish and an English translation of the same text by Robert Olson and Masao Ichishima appeared in 1979.86 Kamalaśīla's Bhāvanāyogāvatāra was rendered into Spanish by Luis Gómez. 87 The two other philosophical Mahāyāna schools, the Yogācāra and the Tathāgatagarbha, have received less attention from Western scholars in the period under review. Important articles on both schools were published by Lambert Schmithausen. His book on the Vijñaptimātratā and the Ālayavijñāna, which is his 'Habilitationsschrift', has not yet been published, but many problems have been discussed by him in articles on the Vimsatikā, the Trimśikā, and the Abhidharmasamuccaya. 88 According to Schmithausen "the thesis of universal idealism originated from the generalization of a situation observed in the case of objects visualized in meditative concentration, i.e., in the context of spiritual practice.”89 Schmithausen has also paid attention to the literary history of the oldest texts of the Yogācāra school. The names of Maitreya, Asanga and Vasubandhu are attached to these texts but it is not possible to accept the traditional ascriptions. It is only through detailed textual studies such as the ones undertaken by Schmithausen that it will become possible to trace the history of the early Yogācāra school. A new edition of the Bodhisattvabhūmi was published by N. Dutt in 1966, but Gustav Roth has 85 J. van den Broeck, La progression dans la méditation. Bruxelles, 1977. Luis O. Gómez, ‘Primer tratado de cultivo graduado (Purvabhāvanākrama), I', Diálogos IX, núm. 29–30 (1977), pp. 177-224. 86 Luis O. Gómez, 'Ultimo tratado de cultivo graduado (Uttarabhāvanākrama)', Diálogos VIII, núm. 23 (1972), pp. 85–137; Robert F. Olson and Masao Ichishima, “The third process of meditative actualization by Kamalasila', Annual of the Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University 1 (1979), pp. 241(17)-205(53). 87 'El Bhāvanāyogāvatāra de Kamalaśila', Estudios de Asia y Africa XIV (1979), pp. 110-137. 88 "Sautrāntika-Voraussetzungen in Vimsatikā und Trimśikā', WZKSO (1967), pp. 109-136; "The definition of pratyakşam in the Abhidharmasamuccayah', WZKS 16 (1972), pp. 153-163; 'Zu Rahula Walpolas Ubersetzung von Asangas Abhidharmasamuccaya', WZKS 20 (1976), pp. 111-122. . 89 'On the Problem of the Relation of Spiritual Practice and Philosophical Theory of Buddhism', German Scholars on India, Vol. II (Bombay, 1976), p. 247. 90 'Zur Literaturgeschichte der älteren Yogācāra-Schule', ZDMG Supplement I. XVII. Deutscher Orientalistentag. Vorträge, Teil 3 (Wiesbaden, 1969), pp. 811-823. 94


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