Book Title: Pour Comprendre La Philosophie Indienne
Author(s): Johannes Bronkhorst
Publisher: Johannes Bronkhorst

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________________ 218 ÉTUDES DE LETTRES POUR COMPRENDRE LA PHILOSOPHIE INDIENNE 219 RÉFÉRENCES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES Alsdorf, L. (1977): "Jaina exegetical literature and the history of the Jaina canon." Mahavira and His Teachings. Ed. A. N. Upadhye et al. Bombay: Bhagavān Mahavira 2500th Nirvāṇa Mahotsava Samiti. p. 1-8. Barnes, Barry (1982): T.S. Kuhn and Social Science. London and Basingstoke: Macmillan. Bhattacharya, Gopikamohan (ed.) (1984): Yajñapati Upadhyāya's Tattvacintamaniprabhā (Anumānakhandah). Wien: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. (VKSKS, 17.) Bronkhorst, Johannes (1992): "Quelques axiomes du Vai esika." Les Cahiers de Philosophie 14, 1992 ("L'orient de la pensée: philosophies en Inde"), p. 95-110. Bronkhorst, Johannes (1996): "God's arrival in the Vaiseșika system." JIP 24, p. 281-294. Bronkhorst, Johannes (1996a): "The correspondence principle and its impact on Indian philosophy." Indo-Shisőshi Kenkyu / Studies in the History of Indian Thought (Kyoto) 8, p. 1-19. Bronkhorst, Johannes (1997): "Nāgārjuna's logic." Bauddhavidyasudhukuruh Studies in Honour of Heinz Bechert on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Ed. Petra Kieffer-Pulz et Jens-Uwe Hartmann. Swisttal-Odendorf: Indica et Tibetica Verlag. (IndTib 30.) p. 29-37. Bronkhorst, Johannes (1999): Langage et réalité: sur un épisode de la pensée indienne. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. (Bibliothèque de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sciences Religieuses, 106.) Busino, Giovanni (1997): La sociologie de la connaissance scientifique. Lausanne: Institut d'Anthropologie et de Sociologie, Université de Lausanne. (Pratiques et Théories des Sciences et des Techniques, 1.) Busino, Giovanni (1998): Sociologie des sciences et des techniques. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. (Que sais-je, 3375.) Callon, Michel (1989): "L'agonie d'un laboratoire." La science et ses réseaux. Genèse et circulation des faits scientifiques. Paris: La Découverte. p. 173-214. Collins, Randall (1998): The Sociology of Philosophies. A global theory of intellectual change. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Dundas, Paul (1997): "The laicisation of the bondless doctrine: a new study of the development of early Jainism." JIP 25, p. 495-516. (Compte rendu de Johnson, 1995). Greene, Brian (1999): The Elegant Universe. Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory. New York - London: W.W. Norton. Gross, Paul R., et Levitt, Norman (1994): Higher Superstition. The academic left and its quarrels with science. Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press. Halbfass, Wilhelm (1992): On Being and What There Is. Classical Vaisesika and the History of Indian Ontology. State University of New York Press. Houben, Jan E.M. (1999): "To kill or not to kill the sacrificial animal (vajna-pasu)? Arguments and perspectives in Brahmanical ethical philosophy." Violence Denied. Violence, non-violence and the rationalization of violence in South Asian cultural history. Ed. Jan E.M. Houben et Karel R. van Kooij. Leiden etc.: Brill. (BIL, 16.) p. 105-183. Hulin, Michel (1987): Sept récits initiatiques tirés du YogaVasistha. Traduits du sanskrit avec introduction et notes. Paris: Berg International. Ingalls, Daniel H. H. (1962): "Cynics and Pāśupatas: the seeking of dishonor." Harvard Theological Review 55(4), p. 281-98. Johnson, W.J. (1995): Harmless Souls. Karmic bondage and religious change in early Jainism with special reference to Umāsvāti and Kundakunda. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. (Lala Sundar Lal Jain Research Series, 9.) Kern, H. (tr.) (1884): The Saddharma-Pundarika, or The Lotus of the True Law. Oxford. (SBE, 21.) Réimpr: Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1974. Latour, Bruno, et Woolgar, Steve (1979): Laboratory Life. The social construction of scientific facts. Beverly Hills, London: Sage. (Sage Library of Social Research, 80.) Munz, Peter (1985): Our Knowledge of the Growth of Knowledge Popper or Wittgenstein? London etc.: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Netz, Reviel (1999): The Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics. A study in cognitive history. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press. Oetke, Claus (1991): "Remarks on the interpretation of Nagarjuna's philosophy." JIP 19, p. 315-323. Pansikar, Vasudeva Laxmana Sharma (ed.)(1918): The


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