BÂNA; TIIS PREDECESSORS AND CONTEMPORARIES. The circumstance that Bana can be assigned with absolute certainty to the first half of the seventh century of the Christian era lends great importance to the introductory verses of the Harsha Charita, in which reference is made to other known and unknown poets.* I will first transcribe the passage, marking the various readings in my MSS. of the text, and in a copy of the commentary which I have procured from Jeypore, and then offer some remarks as to the conclusions which may be drawn from it:
ओं श्रीगणेशाय नमः ओं इच्छादिशक्तिनिचयप्रसरक्रमेण विश्वावभासनविधौ प्रथितप्रभावा । याध्यायिनां हृदयकोकनदप्रतिष्ठा रूपं प्रकाशयति नौमि सरस्वतीं तां ।। १ नमस्तुंगशिरश्चम्बिचन्द्रचामरचारवे । त्रैलोक्यनगरारम्भमूलस्तम्भाय शंभवे ।। २ हरकण्ठग्रहानन्दमीलिताक्षीं नमाम्युमाम् । कालकूटविषस्पर्शजातमूछोगमामिव ।। ३ नमः सर्वविदे तस्मै व्यासाय कविवेधसे । चक्रे पुण्यं सरस्वत्या यो वर्षमिव भारतं ॥४ प्रायः कुकवयो लोके रागाधिष्ठितदृष्टयः।
कोकिला इव जायन्ते वाचाला: कामचारिणः ॥५ • The following paper is extracted from the Introduction to my edition of Bana's Kadambari." I have onnitted the analysis of the Harsba Charita itself, given there, as we may shortly expect the results of a more thorough exami. nation of that work from the pon of Dr. Führer.
'ऑ श्रीगणेशाय नमः.० औ नमः सर्वज्ञाय. 'ओं इच्छादिशक्रिनिचयप्रसर B,C, and Com. omit i and this rerso. For प्रसर, Breads प्रचय. प्रतिष्ठा Both Mss. write प्रतिष्टा. 'हरकण्ठग्रहानन्द. A हरकंटाग्रहामन्द. (sic.) 'स्पर्शजात. ० स्पर्शाज्जात. 'दृष्टयःA मुर्तयः 'कामाचारिणः. B, C, and Com. कामकारिण.