The fourth vow of the Jaina and Brāhman ascetics 4. Brahmacarya relates to chastity, which with Buddhist Vrata 945121 snascetics is the fifth vow.
The Jaina vow is as follows:-“ I renounce all sexual pleasures, either with gods or men * * * I shall not give way to sensuality.” *
It has the usual nine subdivisions with regard to word, mind and deed, and by it, too, all Jaina are forbidden to drink wine, and ascetics are prohibited from eating highly seasoned dishes. +
The fifth Jaina vow is the following :-“ I renounce all attachments, whether little or much, small or great,
5. Aparigraha living or lifeless; neither shall I myself Vrata 24402894. form such attachments, nor cause others to do so, nor consent to their doing so." # This vow forbids covetousness, and likes or dislikes in regard to such things as agreeable or disagreeable sounds, colours or smells.
The fifth vow with the Brāhman ascetic relates to liberality, and with the Buddhist to chastity. It will have been noticed how much more nearly the Jaina vows agree with those of the Brāhman than with those of the Buddhist ascetic.
The Svetāmbara add a sixth vow not to take a meal at night lest one should inadvertently take life. The Sthānaka6. Rastribhojana vāsi and Digambara say that this is inclu
Tya'ga ded in the first vow of Ahimsā, under રાત્રીભાજન ત્યાગ. which one is expressly bound not to eat or drink without examining his food, lest he destroy life.
* S. B. E. xxii 207. + S. B. E. xxii 208. S. B. E. xxii 208.