- Suksmasamparāya Gunusthānuka ( 246 24714814 yel
2411098). All sense of humour now vani10th Step.
shes from a man, together with his power
Shes of feeling grief and-quaint juxtaposition !-his sense of smell.
Upas'ānta Moha Gunasthānuku (64211677 7118 319474113). It is at this point that Greed should, if not destroyed, at least become quiescent. This is considered a very critical
stage : if Greed really dies out, all is well; Mta Step. but if it be only dormant, and something rouses it, it may drag a man down again. Curiously enough, if he falls, it is not to any of the three stages immediately below him, but to the sixth or seventh stage, or be may even fall as low as the first.
Should a man die in this stage without Greed having been reawakened, he wili become an Anuttaravāsi Deva ( 24124177891), i. e., one who after one more rebirth will become a Siddha.
Ksinamoha Gunasthānakı. ( 15118 3191241015 ). At this point a man is freed from four of the Eight Karma
li. P. Jñānāvarapiya, Dars'anāvaraniya 12th Step.
Mohaniya and Antarāya), and though the other four remain, they have no more power over him “than a burnt up string." No one can ever die in this stage, for even in articulo mortis he would pass through the next two stages and enter Moksa.
Suyogi kevali Gunasthānalu (H2100 Fuel yez195. A man who reaches this stage becomes a Kevali, is omniscient,
and will at death become a Siddha. (Only 13th Step.
the Kevali know which stage a man has