ii. Ajiva (Ha).
• The Jaina make five divisions in the class of things “ without life," and these with Jiva make up the whole of the universe.* Dharmāstikāya (47121314 ): Motion, for example
. that which, brought into connection with
1. Motion.
a fish, makes it sw
Adharmāstikāya ( 344 3410201314 ): Inertia in soul 2. Inertia or body. 3. Space. A’kās'āstikāya (24151211121314): Space. 4. Time. Kāla (819): Time.
The Jaina make two divisions in time:
(a) Vyavahārika Kāla (04981278 314), which includes the ordinary divisions of time into days, years etc., and (b) Addhāsamaya Kāla ( 2481244 $149), or time which works alterations, e.g. which makes new things old and old new.
Pudgalāstikāya ( yeufz314). Under this heading is included every thing that relates to our means of
perception, such as colour, touch, smell 5. Form
and taste. The Jaina believe that there are five primary colours, viz:-red, yellow, blue ( or green). black and white. Under“ touch," (2428) they classify things heavy and light, smooth and rough, dry and wet, hot and cold.
* The late Rev. Douglas Thoronton has well said :-" These are
vaguely classed and generally incapable of interpretation.” Parsi, Jāina and Sikh, p. 63.