The death ceremonies, which are conducted by a Brāhman, very much resemble those of the Hindus. The Jaina,
however, after the dead body has been Death.
burnt at the side of a river, pour water over the ashes and simply leave them on the bank, whereas the Brāhmans throw the ashes into the river.
Like the Brāhmans, too, the Jaina bury instead of burning a child of less than a year and a half. The Brāhmans bury their dead ascetics, but the Jaina burn their dead (with the exception of infants) whether lay or ascetics, lest the body should give rise to too much insect life.
The Jaina wear white or black turbans as a sign of mourning, but unlike Gujarāti Brāhmans do not shave their moustaches on the tenth day.