Book Title: Ludwig Alsdorfs Studies In Arya
Author(s): Klaus Bruhn
Publisher: Klaus Bruhn

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________________ K. Bruhn Ludwig Alsdorf's Studies in the Arya Utt. 24,15-18 to OKUDA Di: text and transl. of V 56, V 124-25; etymology of ajjhusira in Utt. 24,17 supplied by OKUDA on the basis of Vasunandin's commentary on V 124.- Ayaranga, uccara-pasavana: JAS 2.1: 55645-668. - AVNI, Päristhapaniki-Niryukti: AvNi 1272-73, AvNi-Bhasya 205-206, block of 83 verses (1-83), I praksipta verse (vss. 1272-73, 205-06, and the praksipta verse will be found between vs. 4 and 56 of the "block", see "AvNi" in $5). Refer for Utt. 24,15-18 to vs. 80-82 of the "block". - BKábhi, thandilla: 417-70 (443-44. Utt. 24,17-18). - BekaBhi, vicára-bhumi: 206368 (2063 - Utt. 24,16). (vi) Further references (relevant to 24.15a.b): The first five members of 24,15 (uccaram ...) recur in Süyagada $ 707, Dasav. VIII 18 (OKUDA Di: pp. 49 and 109). Avsa $ 24, and Mac. V 56 (jalla in 56d, see above). Related forms of the list (3-4 members identical) occur in various contexts. - (vii) Pali parallels to the samiti topic: see ueclra, passiva etc. in IBR. Chapter 36,1-267: JVLJIVAVIBHATTİ. - A. pp. 11-26; - ALSDORF É: 75-76. - SCHUBRING DO: $ 167 (bhavana topic). - A. begins his analysis with a short summary of Utt. 36 (p. 11). In Utt., the actual subject (iva and ajiva: Utt. 36,1-248) is followed by an appendix which was added at a later date. This appendix comprises a fragmentary text on fasting to death (249-54: six sloka.s) and two short tracts in Arya metre: (a) A tract on the five wrong bhāvanā.s or blameworthy forms of behaviour which lead to durgati.s or undesirable forms of rebirth (36,255.262-65), and (b) a general soteriological tract (36,256-61). Tract (a) consists in principle of six versus memoriales (Utt. 255, 262, 264, 263, 265) including the "ummagga-desao" verse which is missing in Utt. Parallels to (a) and/or (b) could be detected in several other texts (mainly in the four verse texts Ap.. Ms., Mår., and Mac.). The complete äryä sequence of Utt. consists of twelve verses (Utt. 36,255-66). The examination of "a" and "b" follows on pp. 12-24: synopsis of the "a" texts and "b" texts (p. 12), dogmatic analysis of the bhavani tract (pp. 12-14). "a" texts (pp. 14-16), mutual relationship of the "a" texts (pp. 16-17), partial sloka.s in the "a" text of Mac. (pp. 17-18), discussion of the six memorial verses in the "a" texts (pp. 18-21), discussion of Utt. 36,266 (solitary kry, pp. 21-22), the "b" texts in Utt, Māc., and Ap. (p. 22), relationship of all texts (a and b: pp. 22-24). A. observes on p. 12:"As a term of Jaina dogmatics, bhlivank has at least three meanings ..." On p. 23, A. remarks in connection with the synopsis on p. 12: "Whether actually, i.e. historically, Utt. and Mac, are combinations of the two versions (two texts) represented for us by Ap. [b] and Ms./Mär. (a); or whether p. and Ms./Mar. illustrate the two opposite ways [a or b) of improving an original version Utt./Māc. (a and b). cannot be decided with full certainty considering the unlimited possibilities of contamination. However, ultimately in favour of combination, as found in Utt./Māc. Several passages in A.s text characterize the situation. In connection with the transmission of "a", ALSDORF states on pp. 16-17: "The confusing picture of agreements and divergences of the different versions of "a") changing almost from line to line is clearly the result of wholesale contamination. Probably no single one of the texts quoted is dependent on only one other - apart from the fact that we have of course to reckon with sources and prototypes unknown or lost to us." With reference to Mac. (a), ALSDORF observes on p. 18: "There can thus be no doubt that Mac. preserves considerable remnants of an older set of memorial Slokas, of which we are watching the gradual transformation into Aryas in progress." A. is primarily concerned with the verse texts (Utt, and four other texts), but he gives also the necessary information about the two prose texts, viz. Aup, and Thana (with Abhayadeva). Refer for Thana ("cauvvihe (!avaddhamse") to fol. 2606-2621 and JAS 3: $ 354. The prose texts are also mentioned in the résumé on p. 24, but there is no detailed statement on the relationship between verse tradition and prose tradition. The original chapter (roughly speaking 36,1-248) consists of late sloka.s and meets with A.'s interest only on account of its metre (see below). However, A. traces within this text one plus four ärya.s plus a half-arya (pp. 24-25); these verses deal respectively with the three subjects of Isipabbhara (description), rough earth (enumeration), and gross wind enumeration) Observations on metre which apply to the late sloka.s of the chapter, but which claim more general interest, appear on pp. 25-26: "That the changed metrical taste should have produced a strong tendency to replace Slokas by, or to transform them into, Aryds is only natural, and to know, and constantly to reckon with, this tendency is of great importance for every critic of Jaina texts." And again: "Secondary transformation into Arya is probably also responsible for at least part of the odd (sloka] pādas of 7 syllables, regarded by SCHUBRINO as precursors of the Arya (SCHUBRING Wo: 3), in which our chapter fairly abounds. It has about 40 pädas of 7 syll. which are regular Arya padas, and it can indeed hardly be doubted that the present text bears witness to a metrical feeling to which an odd Sloka pada and an odd Arya pada had become of equal right and more or less exchangeable." Refer for observations on the relationship between sloka and äryä also to A.'s studies in the old arya (ALSDORF It: *196-97, ALSDORF Pa: 20-22) and to the description of the new arya on pp. 9-12 of ALSDORF Pa.


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