Book Title: Ludwig Alsdorfs Studies In Arya
Author(s): Klaus Bruhn
Publisher: Klaus Bruhn

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________________ Ludwig Alsdorf's Studies in the Aryā K. Bruhn ALSDORF Th ALSDORF Ut ALSDORF Vă ALSDORF Vi ALSDORF Vo BALBIR AV $ 6. Abbreviations and Bibliography II (modern works) In the case of W. SCHUBRING and L. ALSDORF, we quote reprinted articles according to the pagination of the Kleine Schriften (with asterisk), but the abbreviations and bibliographical data are always based on the original publications. When quoting ALSDORF, we always give the LAI number in addition to an abbreviated bibliographical reference. When mentioning Akademie-Abhandlungen (ALSDORF Pa and ALSDORF Ut: Mainz: BECHERT Ve: Göttingen) we follow the internal pagination of the Abhandlung. Below we include only those studies in metre which have a direct bearing on A.'s āryā publications. However, in addition to the publications mentioned in our text (H. BECHERT and K.R. NORMAN), we have included in our Bibliography OBERLIES JA. OBERLIES' paper (part II forthcoming) can be used as an introduction to the various metres found in A.'s sources (mātrāchandas, ganacchandas, trisfubh/ jagati, and sloka). It also supplies the bibliographical references to the studies in these metres (including a reference to J. SAKAMOTO-Goto's unpublished thesis on matrachandas). The latest studies in the Uttaradhyayana will be found under the names BOLLEE and NORMAN. BALBIR Sa BASHAM Āj BÅTHIYA Le BECHERT Cu BECHERT Ka ALSDORF AK BECHERT Ve BHATT An - "Arya Stanzas in Thera-Theri-Gatha," in: The Thera- and TheriGatha. Second edition. London 1966. - LAI no. 39. -- The And Starzas of the Uttaraj hyd. Wiesbaden 1966. - LAI no. 12. — "väntam apātum," in: S.K. CHATTERJI Jubilee Vol. Poona 1955. - LAI no. 28. -Das Jätaka vom weisen Vidhura," in: WZKS 15.1971.- LAI no. 42. -"Zwei Proben der Volksdichtung aus dem alten Magadha," in: Belträge zur Indienforschung. Berlin 1977. - LAI no. 158. N. BALBIR Avatyaka-Studien. Introduction générale et Traductions. Stuttgart 1993. -"An Investigation of Textual Sources on the sama vasarana," in: N. BALBIR and J.K. BAUTZE (eds.) Festschrift Klaus Bruhn. Reinbek 1994. Pp. 67-104. A.L. BASHAM History and Doctrines of the Ajivikas. London 1951. M. BÅTHIYA, S. CORADIYA Lesya-Kosa. Kalkatta 1966. H. BECHERT "Das Cullasutasomajätakam," in: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. Heft 4 (1954). Revidierter Nachdruck (1961), pp. 13-28. — "Über einen Verstyp im Jataka-Buch," in: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. Heft 19 (1966), pp. 77-86. - Kalingabodhijātaka. - Alte Vedhasim Pali-Kanon. Göttingen 1988. B. BHATT "Twelve anuvekkhas in Early Jainism," in: Festschrift Klaus Bruhn. Reinbek 1994. Pp. 171-93. -"The concept of the Self and Liberation in Early Jaina Agamas." in: Self and Consciousness. Indian Interpretation. Centre for Indian and Inter-religious Studies. Rome 1989. Pp. 132-72. W.B. BOLLEE Materials for an Edition and Study of the Pinda- and Oha-Nijjutis. Stuttgart 1991. - The Nuuttis on the Seniors of the Swetambara Siddhanta. Stuttgart 1995. - "Pourqoi il faut respecter un savant. Uttarajjhāyā XI," in: Indol. Taur. 14.1987-88, pp. 145-62. W.N. BROWN Manuscript Illustrations of the Uttaradhyayana Sutra. New Haven, Connecticut. 1941. K. BRUHN "Avasyaka Studies I," in: K. BRUHN und A. WEZLER (eds.) Studien zum Jainismus und Buddhismus (L. ALSDORF Comm. Vol.). Wiesbaden 1981. Pp. 11-49. K. BRUHN and C.B. TRIPATHI "Jaina Concordance and Bhasya Concordance," in: H. HÄRTEL (ed.) Beitrage zur Indienforschung (E. WALDSCHMIDT Fel. Vol.). Berlin 1977. Pp. 67-80. K. BRUHN: review of ALSDORF Ut in: ZDMG 122.1972, pp. 431-33. -"Sectional Studies in Jainology II," in: Berliner Indologische Studien 7.1993, pp. 9-58. ALSDORF Ar BHATT Se ALSDORF Ci ALSDORF DE BOLLÉE Ma ALSDORF Ét BOLLEE Ni BOLLÉE Ut L. ALSDORF "The Akhyāna Theory Reconsidered," in: JOI 13.1963/64. - LAI no. 18. - "Ardha-Magadhi," in: The Language of the Earliest Buddhist Tra. dition. Göttingen 1980.- LAI no. 161. - "The Story of Citta and Sambhūta," in: S.K. BELVALKAR Fel. Vol. Benares 1957. - LAI no. 29. -"What were the Contents of the Destivada?," in: German Scholars on India. Vol. I. Benares 1973. - LAI no. 33. - Les Études Jaina. Paris 1965 (1966). - LAI no. 13. - Four lectures delivered at the Collège de France in 1965. An English transation is a desideratum. -"Jaina Exegetical Literature and the History of the Jaina Canon," in: Mahavira and His Teachings. Bombay 1977. - LAI no. 160. - "Bemerkungen zu einem metrischen Fragment des Mahaparinirvanasūtra," in: ZDMG 105.1955.- LAI no. 35. — "Itthiparinna," in: IIJ 2.1958. - LAI no. 30. - Der Kumārapālapratibodha. Hamburg 1928. - LAI no. 1. - "Verkannte Mahavastu-Strophen," in: WZKSO 12-13. 1968/69.LAl no. 41. - "Namipavajja," in: W.N. BROWN Comm. Vol. New Haven 1962. - LAI no. 31. - Die Arya-Strophen des Pali-Kanons. Wiesbaden 1968. - LAI no. 14. - "Uttaranjhaya Studies," in: 1136.1962.- LAI No. 32. ALSDORF Ex BROWN Ut ALSDORF Fr BRUHN AV ALSDORF It ALSDORF Ku ALSDORF Ma BRUHN Co ALSDORF Na ALSDORF Pa BRUHN Rv 1972 BRUHN Se II


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