Book Title: Ludwig Alsdorfs Studies In Arya
Author(s): Klaus Bruhn
Publisher: Klaus Bruhn

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________________ K. Bruhn METTE AI METTE En METTE GI METTE Oh NORMAN AI NORMAN År Ludwig Alsdorf's Studies in the Arya 53 SCHUBRING WO — Worte Mahaviras. Göttingen 1926. TATIA Pa N. TATIA "Parallel Developments in the Meaning of Pari/Ad," in: Indol Taur. 11.1983, pp. 293-302. TATIA St - Studies in Jaina Philosophy. Benares 1951. TRIPATHI BI C. TRIPATHI "The Jaina Concordance in Berlin. A Bibliographical Report," in: Studien zum Jainismus und Buddhismus (L. ALSDORF Comm. Vol.). Wiesbaden 1981. Pp. 301-29. TRIPATHI Ca Catalogue of the Jaina Manuscripts ar Strasbourg. Leiden 1975. TRIPATHI Pa —"Narratives in the Pancakalpabhagya and Cognate Texts," in: Indol. Taur. 11.1983, pp. 119-28 TSUCHIHASI Lc K. TSUCHIHASHI "On the Literal Meaning of lelyd," in: Indol. Taur. 11.1983, pp. 195-202. YASOVUAYA SI MUNISRI YASOVUAYAJ Samvacchari pratikraman ki saral vidhi Baroda 1976. - The booklet is on ritual, and there are several publications of the same type. NORMAN AS NORMAN KA NORMAN La NORMAN PA NORMAN Us NORMAN VI A. METTE "L. Alsdorf and Jainological Studies," in: LAI: pp. 85.94. - Durch Entsagung zum Heil. Zürich 1991. -"'Giftmüllentsorgung im alten Indien." Forthcoming. - Pind'esand. Das Kapitel der Oha-nl/utti aber den Bettelgang. Wiesbaden 1974.- Refer to $ 5 for quotations from OghNi. K.R. NORMAN "L. Alsdorf and Páli Studies," in: LAI: pp. 99-102. - "The Origins of the arya Metre," in: DJ. KALUPAHANA, W.G. VEERARATNE (eds.) Buddhist Philosophy and Culture (N.A. JAYAVICKRAMA Fel. Vol.). Colombo 1987. Pp. 203-14. - "Uttarajjhayana Studies. An edition and translation of the fourth ajjhayana ..." in: Siddhantacharya: Pandit Kailashchandra Shastri Felicitation Volume. Rewa 1980. Pp. 564-72.- Un. 4. Asarkhayam. - "Käviliyam." in: A.N. UPADHYE et al. (eds.) Mahdvira and His Teachings. Ahmedabad 1977. Pp. 9-19. - Utt. 8 - Kaviliyam. "The Metres of the Lakkhana-suttanta (1)," in: Buddhist Studies in Honour of Hammalava Saddhatissa. Nugegoda 1984. Pp. 176-88. - Pali Literature, in: A History of Indian Literature VII 2. Wiesbaden 1983. - "Uttarajjhayana-Sutta XIV: Usuyärijjam," in: P. Dalsukhbhai Malvania Felicitation Volume 1. Varanasi 1991. Pp. 16-26. - Utt. 14 Usuyārijjam. "Uttarajjhayana-sutta I," in: Jain Studies in Honour of Jozef Deleu. Tokyo 1993. Pp. 375-94.-The reader will find a short survey of Uttaradhyayana studies on pp. 375-76. - Ch. 1 = Vinayasuyam. Th. OBERLIES "Der Text der Jätaka-Gathas in FAUSBOLLS Ausgabe U." in: Bull. d'Etudes Indiennes 11-12.1993-94, pp. 147-170. Part II forthcoming -"Miscellanea Palica," in: Bull. d'Études Indiennes 7-8.1989-1990, pp. 157-84. K. OETJENS Sivaras Mülārādhana Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ster befasten-Literatur der Jainas. Hamburg 1976. - Refer to 55 for quota tions from Mar. S. OHIRA A Study of the Bhagavatisütra. Ahmedabad 1994. - Study of Tattvārthasūtra with Bhagya. Ahmedabad 1982. K. OKUDA Eine Digambara-Dogmatik. Das fünfte Kapitel von Vatta keras Mulacára. Wiesbaden 1975. - Refer to SS for quotations from Māc. - See also CAILLAT MU. B. PLUTAT The Literary Remains of Ernst Leumann. Forthcoming, H.D.T. SHETH Paia-Sadda-Mahannavo. W.SCHUBRING Äcāranga-Sürra. Leipzig 1910, - The Dasaveyaliya Sutta. Ahmedabad 1932. Kleine Schriften: pp. *109-248. - The Doctrine of the Jainas. Motilal Banarsidass 1962 OBERLIES JA OBERLIES Mi OETJENS Ši OHIRA Bh OHIRA Ta OKUDA DI PLUTAT LI PSM SCHUBRING A SCHUBRING DA SCHUBRING DO


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