Book Title: Les Reliques Dans Les Religions De Inde
Author(s): Johannes Bronkhorst
Publisher: Johannes Bronkhorst

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________________ Johannes Bronkhorst Les reliques dans les religions de l'Inde 85 Allchin, Bridget Allchin, Neil Kreitman, Elizabeth Errington. New Delhi: Re* gency Publications. Pp. 245-266. . Abbreviations: Abhidh-k Abhidh-k-bh(P) Abhidh-k(VP) BaudhSs BORI DN ER Watters, Thomas (1904-05): On Yuan Chwang's Travels in India (A.D. 629-645). London: Royal Asiatic Society. Reimpression: Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi, 1973. White, David Gordon (1986): >>Dakkhina and agnicayana: an extended application of Paul Mus's typology.<< History of Religions 26, 188-213. . Wirth, Gerhard, und Oskar von Hinuber (1985): Arrian: Der Alexanderzug, In dische Geschichte. Griechisch und deutsch, herausgegeben und ubersetzt. Munich - Zurich: Artemis. (Sammlung Tusculum.) Witzel, Michael (1981 & 1982): >>Materialien zu den vedischen Schulen, 1: Uber die Caraka-Sakha.<< Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 7, 109-132 & 8/9, 171 240. Witzel, Michael (1985): >>Regionale und uberregionale Faktoren in der Entwick lung vedischer Brahmanengruppen im Mittelalter (Materialien zu den vedischen Schulen, 5).<< Regionale Tradition in Sudasien. Hrsg. Hermann Kulke und Dietmar Rothermund. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner. (Beitrage zur Sudasien forschung, Sudasien-Institut, Universitat Heidelberg, 104.) Pp. 37-76. Witzel, Michael (1987): >>On the localisation of Vedic texts and schools (Materials on Vedic Sakhas, 7).<< India and the Ancient World. History, trade and culture before A. D. 650. Ed. Gilbert Pollet. Leuven: Departement Orientalistiek. (Ori entalia Lovaniensia, Analecta, 25.) Pp. 173--213. Witzel, Michael (1989): >>Tracing the Vedic dialects.<< Dialectes dans les litteratures indo-aryennes. Ed. Colette Caillat. Paris: Edition-Diffusion de Boccard. (Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne, Serie in-8deg, Fascicule 55.) Pp. 97-265. Witzel, Michael (1990): >>Notes on Vedic dialects (1).<< Zinbun 25, 31-70. Witzel, Michael (1994): >>The Brahmins of Kashmir.<< In: A Study of the Nilamata. Aspects of Hinduism in ancient Kashmir. Ed. Yasuke Ikari. Kyoto: Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University. Pp. 237-294. Witzel, Michael (1997): >>The development of the Vedic canon and its schools: the ERE HBI Hobogirin Vasubandhu, Abhidharmakosa Vasubandhu, Abhidharmakosabhasya, ed. P. Pradhan, rev. 2nd ed. Aruna Haldar, Patna 1975 (TSWS 8) Vasubandhu, Abhidharmakosa, traduit et annote par Louis de La Vallee Poussin, 6 vols., Paris 1923-1931 Baudhayana Srautasutra Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona Dighanikaya, ed. T.W. Rhys Davids, J.E. Carpenter, 3 vols. 1890-1911 (PTS) The Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. Mircea Eliade, New York: Macmillan; London: Collier Macmillan, 1987, 16 vols. Hasting's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Edinburgh Etienne Lamotte, Histoire du bouddhisme indien, des origines a l'ere saka, Louvain 1958 Hobogirin, Dictionaire encyclopedique du bouddhisme d'apres les sources chinoises et japonaises, ed. S. Levi, J. Takakusu, P. Demieville, Fasc. 1ff., Tokyo, Paris 1929 ff. Pandurang Vaman Kane, History of Dharmasastra, deuxieme edition, Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 5 vols., 1968-1977 Mahabharata, crit. ed. V.S. Sukthankar u.a., Poona 1933-66 (BORI) Majjhima-Nikaya, ed. V. Trenckner, R. Chalmers, 3 vols., London 1888-1899 (PTS) Monier Monier-Williams, A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Oxford 1899 Pali Text Society, London Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series, Patna Kane, HistDh Mhbh MN MW PTS TSWS proaches to the Study of the Vedas. Ed. Michael Witzel. Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Harvard University; distributed by South Asia Books, Columbia, MO. (Harvard Oriental Series, Opera Minora, 2.) Pp. 257-345. Witzel, Michael (2003): Das alte Indien. Munchen: C. H. Beck. Witzel, Michael (a paraitre): >>From the Mauryas to the Guptas: Reactions to for eign influences, social and religious change.<< Actes du congres >>Between the Empires: India 400 BCE - 400 CE<< tenu au Department of Asian Studies, Uni versity of Texas, 11-12 avril 2003. Zeymal, E. V. (1997): >>Visha-Shiva in the Kushan pantheon.<< In: Gandharan Art in Context. East-West exchanges at the crossroads of Asia. Ed. Raymond


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