He came back with hope. The Mantri, the Minister, saw him and leaving aside everybody, came to the gate. He thought, “This poor man might be in need of money and if I don't give, then it's a shame for humanity." The minister asked Bheema, “Tell me, my dear brother, what do you want?” He placed his hand on the shoulder of Bheema. Overjoyed with the affectionate touch, he said, "Revered Sir, I don't need anything. I have come to give something." He untied the knot of the cloth and took out one and a half rupees.
Mantriji, holding him by the hand, led him onto the precious muslin carpet. Bheema said, “Lord, my feet are dirty.” Mantriji overtaken by feelings, said, “This dirt of your feet is like auspicious marks. You have shown exemplary generosity as you have come here to give away everything. We have contributed thousands from our millions, but you have come here to give away everything! Salutation to you! “Bheema's name was the first name listed in the long list of donors. His charity turned out to be the greatest of all!
Friends, you yourself should decide what is more important: How much you contribute or how you contribute.
On the Wings of Light and Love - Volume Two - 23