Life is Liberation
Fall 2009
JMIC Newsletter April-September 1992
Dear Friends. When we meditate and ask: What is the purpose of being human? What do we accomplish by being human? What is the ultimate aim of being human?—we can get an answer from examples as well as from our own experiences.
All the great masters have given examples from their own lives. They distanced themselves from their environment, from their conditioning, from the place where they were born. Their names were different, but for all the differences, they had one thing in common: they were all seekers. They were trying to find their real selves, their home and their essence. The masters may be in this time or past times, because time is eternal. We are only putting limitations on time, with the clock and with our own minds. Such limitations are all mentally-made blocks that keep us from finding the answers from our experiences in life.
In the same way we have made physical blocks of our flame, our spirit. We say, “She is woman; he is man; he is old; she is young.” But the energy, the consciousness, the soul, the spirit is not old or young, he or she, that or thisit is a flame. The flame can be in the body of “he” or the flame can be in the body of “she”. He and she are made by forms. But the flame is not made by anybody. Flame was. Flame is. Flame will be. That is called life. How you look at life makes the difference to you. So, what we have to learn from meditation is how to look at life! How do we see life?
For some, life can be a tragedy, life can be a comedy, life can be a journey, life can be liberation. Somewhere I read that life is tragedy for those who feel. Because the emotions are always mixed up, we go up and down like a yo-yo. Emotions swing up and down according to the mood, according to the environment, according to our interrelationship with others. We see life through the lenses of emotions. And the emotions sometimes become thick, sometimes thin, sometimes transparent and sometimes opaque. And the person loses the vision because of the lenses. So life is a tragedy for those who feel.
66 - Journey to Enlightenment - Volume Two