Book Title: Jainism and Animal Issues 1997
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 57
________________ Jainism and Animal Issues PECTIN -- Used as a setting agent or emulsifier; extracted from calves' stomachs. For economic reasons, rennet (A) from apple pulp and orange pith. V. Used in jams, is usually mixed with other enzymes such as pepsin (A) confectionery, ice cream. from pigs. Plant rennets, from micro-organisms, are PEPSIN - A clotting agent from pig stomachs, used with available and used with dairy milk to make some rennet (A) in cheese manufacture. A. "vegetarian" cheeses, (L) due to the milk that is the main PHYTIC ACID - (V) A sequestering agent, found naturally ingredient. in bread and cereal grain; it binds calcium and iron, RNA/DNA, ribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid, making them relatively unavailable during digestion. Its polypeptides -- In all animal or plant cells, commercially binding effect is reduced during the leavening process. taken from slaughterhouse wastes (A). In many The body can adapt to phytic acid in the diet by cosmetics, shampoos. Vegan alternative (if any producing an enzyme which destroys it. necessary) could be from plant cells. PLACENTA, afterbirth -- Organ by which the fetus is ROE -- Eggs from abdomen of slain female fish (O/A). See attached to the umbilical cord (A). Taken from the caviar. uterus of a slaughtered animal. Widely used in ROYAL JELLY -- Secretion of the throat glands of shampoos, cosmetics and skin creams, etc., sometimes honeybee workers; the food on which bee larvae are fed, in the forlorn hope that it "smooths wrinkles." Vegetable causing them to develop into queen bees (I). Used as a oils, and kelp are said to be alternatives. food supplement. No proven value in cosmetic POLYPEPTIDES -- From slaughterhouse wastes (A). preparations; alternatives here include aloe vera, (See RNA/ DNA.) Alternatives: proteins and enzymes comfrey, other plant derivatives. from plant sources. SABLE -- Fur from the sable marten, a small carnivorous PRESERVATIVES -- Used to prevent or delay the food mammal (A). Uses: clothing, artists' brushes, cosmetic spoilage caused by micro-organisms. Smoking, pickling, brushes. Synthetic fibers (M) are good substitutes, and salting are examples of traditional preservation widely available. processes. Sulphur dioxide (M) is one of the most widely SEQUESTERING AGENTS -- Used to counteract the used, added to beer, wine, fruit juices, jams, canned and effects of metal ions by binding them and thus making dried vegetables. Others are benzoic acid (M), them inactive. Metal ions can adversely affect color, propionates (M), benzoates (M), and sorbates (M). clarity, flavor, and stability. Citric acid, phytic acid, Spoilage can also be delayed by physical methods, such tartaric acid and orthophosphate are examples of these as freezing, drying, or pasteurization. There is no additives. They are used in margarine, salad dressings, substitute fully equal to actual freshness. soft drinks, tinned fruit and vegetables. M, V. PROGESTERONE -- Asteroid sex hormone (A). Used in SHELLAC -- Insect secretion (I). Used in hair spray, lip hormone creams, and medical therapy. Can have sealer, polishes, as a glazing agent, and in painting. adverse systemic effects. Synthetics are available. SILK - Cloth made from the fibre produced by the larvae PROPELLANTS -- Gases used to expel foods from ("silk worms") of certain moths (I). Harvesting involves aerosols. Not listed on food labels. Generally M. the destruction of the insect, either by roasting or boiling PROPIONIC ACID, PROPIONATES (calcium - alive. Used in clothing and some cosmetics. Insect silk potassium -, sodium propionate) -- Preservatives in is easily replaced by fine rayon (M/V=from plant bread, cheese, frozen pizza. Occurs naturally in various cellulose), nylon (M=petrochemical), or other synthetics. plant products and in animal substances; produced SODIUM CARBOXY-METHYL CELLULOSE -- A commercially from various fuels (M). Linked to migraine cellulose derivative used as a filler in slimming foods. V, headaches. Skin rashes noted in bakery workers M. handling the material in pure form. SODIUM CHLORIDE -- Or table salt. Used as a flavor PROPOLIS --Bee glue (I). A resinous substance collected enhancer and a preservative. M. from various plants by bees and used by them to stop up SODIUM 5'-INOSINATE - Occurs naturally in muscle. crevices and fix combs to the hive. Used in toiletries and Prepared from fish waste (A). Used as a flavor enhancer. cosmetics, supplements. SOLVENT -- Used to dissolve and help carry other PROPYLENE GLYCOL -- Humectant. M. additives, such as dichloromethane (M), ethylacetate PROTEASES -- Enzymes that aid protein breakdown. (M), glycerol salts (A). Used in manufacture of soya sauce, tamari and miso; also SORBIC ACID -- A preservative used in margarines, in clarifying fruit juices. Most proteases are extracted cheese, sauces, fruit juices and confectionery. M. from plants or micro-organisms (V or L). One protease, SORBITOL -- Used as a humectant and a sweetener. rennet (A), used in cheese manufacture, is extracted Used in foods for diabetics. M. from the stomach of young calves. SPERM OIL -- Oil found in the head of various species of QUATERNIUM 27. From tallow (q.v.). A. Added to whales. Used in candle-making. A. various toiletries. SPERMACETI WAX - Fatty substance found mainly in RELEASING AGENTS -- Used to prevent food sticking to the head of the sperm whale, other whales and dolphins. packaging, mounds, tins and machinery. One is Uses: medicines, candle-making, cosmetics. A. magnesium stearate (probably A). SPONGE -- Aquatic animal or colony of animals of a "low RENNET -- A protease (q.v.) used in making hard and order," with a tough elastic skeleton of interlaced fibers cream cheeses. A slaughterhouse product, obtained (A). Used as a bath aid, and in cleaning. They have been (53) Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 For Private & Personal Use Only


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