Book Title: Jainism and Animal Issues 1997
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 56
________________ Jainism and Animal Issues Four naturally in sour milk and various plant-source foods. may interfere with absorption of fat-soluble vitamins Ordinary or racemic lactic acid can be prepared from during digestion. M. sour milk (L), or by fermentation of plant materials such MINK OIL -- From minks (A). It is used in various as corn starch, potatoes, molasses (V), or synthesis (M). cosmetics. Vegetable oils (V) make good substitutes. LACTOSE (milk sugar) -- A by-product of the cheese MODIFIED STARCH -- Chemically treated starch. A industry. It is used as a sweetener, a filler in tablets, and stabilizer. M/V. in prepared dairy items. L. MOHAIR -- Cloth or yarn made of hair of the Angora goat. LANOLIN (and various "lanol" or "lanate" derivatives) -- Used in clothing, some upholstery. A. Fat extracted from sheep's wool (see under "wool") (A). MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE or MSG -- A flavor Uses: cleaning products, an emollient and emulsifier used enhancer (q.v.), used extensively in Chinese-style in cosmetics, especially lipsticks, skin or hair-care cooking. Not recommended, for health reasons. V. products. Greasy and waterproofing, lanolin frequently causes allergic skin rashes. Vegetable oil products (V) deer (A). Used mainly in perfumes. Plant and synthetic are claimed to be better moisturizers, allowing the skin substitutes available. to "breathe "NATURAL SOURCE." -- Vegan buyer beware! This can LARD-Fat surrounding the stomach and kidneys of the mean animal, vegetable, or mineral source. In the health pig, sheep and cattle (A). Used in cosmetics, baked food industry, and in cosmetics, it often means an animal goods, shaving creams. Vegetable fats and oils (V) are source, as with various extracts from animal tissues, acceptable alternatives. protein, fat, oil, etc. (A) Read ingredients carefully (or L'OYSTEINE HYDROCHLORIDE -- Manufactured from contact manufacturer) to determine the actual source. animal hair or chicken feathers (A), or synthetically from NUOLEIC ACID -- From the nucleus of any living cell. coal tar (M). Uses include in shampoo, and as "improving Used in shampoos, Cosmetics, supplements, etc. Source agent" for white flour. can be animal (A) or plant (V) kingdom. LEATHER -- Tanned hide, mostly from cattle but also NUTRIENTS -- Added to some foods to boost the sheep, pigs, goats, etc. (A). Used in clothing and nutritive value of a processed food (often to restore some footwear, clothing accessories, upholstery. A wealth of of the nutrients lost during processing). Iron, calcium alternatives, including various natural and synthetic and B vitamins are added to white flour. Vitamins A and fibers, rubber, and plastic products. D are added to margarine. Some additives have a LEAVENING AGENTS - Used to make unfermented nutrient function: ascorbic acid, used as an Acidulant, is dough light and porous. They consist of a source of also a vitamin. Most vitamins are synthesized nowadays carbon dioxide gas and an acid or acid-producing (M); but D, is (V), D, is (A). Vitamin B, (q.v.): synthetic substance (to release the gas). They include calcium as such is (V); "natural" B, is (A). phosphate, sodium bicarbonate, cream of tartar. Mor V. OCTYL DODECANOL -- Mixture of solid waxy alcohols, LECITHIN -- Antioxidant and emulsifier. Mainly obtained mainly from stearyl alcohol (q.v.). commercially from soybean, peanut and corn (V). Also OLEIC ACID -- Fatty acid occurring in animal and obtained from eggs (O). Used extensively in the food vegetable fats. Used in soaps, cosmetics, ointments. A industry and especially in margarine and chocolate; also or V, depending on source. in various cosmetics. OLEOIC OIL - Liquid obtained from pressed tallow (A). LINOLEIC ACID - An essential fatty acid (q.v.). In Used in some margarines. cosmetics, vitamins. A or V, depending on source. OLEOSTEARIN -- Solid obtained from pressed tallow (A). LIPASE -- Enzyme from stomachs, etc., of various Uses: soap and candle-making. slaughtered young farm animals (A). May be in some PALMITIC ACID, palmitate - Fatty acid from fats, oils, vitamins. Vegetable enzymes are available. mixed with stearic acid (q.v.). Used in shaving soaps, LIPODS/LIPIDS -- Fat and fat-like substances found in creams, shampoos. Can be from animal (A) or vegetable animals (A) and plants (V). fats/oils (V). (See fatty acids.) LUNA SPONGE (sea sponge) -- A plant like sea animal PARCHMENT -- Skin of the sheep or goat, dressed and (A). (See also: sponge.) prepared for writing, etc. (A). LUTEIN -- Substance of deep yellow color found in egg PANTHENOL, dexpanthenol, vitamin B complex factor, yolk (O). Obtained commercially from marigold (V). provitamin B-Found in foods, shampoos, supplements. Used as a food coloring. Can be animal, synthetic, or plant source. A, M, or V. MALTOL -- A flavor enhancer used to give a "freshly PEARL- The pain-dulling nacre formed in layers around baked" odor to bread and cakes. Also used in drinks, a foreign particle within the shell of the oyster or other jams and confectionery. M. bivalve mollusk (A). MILK PROTEIN -- Hydrolyzed milk protein. From cow PEARL, CULTURED -- "Cultured" pearl (A) means that milk (L). In cosmetics, shampoos, skin preparations. the foreign material has been artificially inserted into the Plant proteins (such as soy, V) can be used instead. oyster, to irritate it and cause it to make a pearl around MINERAL OIL or Petrolatum -- Used for the preservation it. "Mother-of-pearl" is a pearly inner layer of the shell of of dried fruit, as a coating on cheese, and in bakeries for the mollusk (A); used in jewelry/decoration. The term is greasing tins and trays. From petroleum. Mineral oil also used for a plastic imitation, such as in toilet seats. (52) Jain Education International 2010_03 For Private & Personal Use Only


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