Those embodied ones who have not stopped the activity of body, mind and speech.
Those who have dons Bo. (This is oaly a momentary atate just before passing to liberation.)
Living beings with imperfect knowledge.
Living beings with perfect knowledge, or omniscience.
Those who still have the intoxicat. ing elements.
Those whose intoxicnting elements have disappeared.
Tbose in wbom ibe intoxicating elements are actually seeu manifesting.
Those in whom it is under control, or at the bottom, like and in a clear brook.
Those who realize only rough sub divisions of their intoxicatiog elements, anger, pride, greed, ete.
Those who realize delicato sub-divisions such as inore and less interas degrees of anger, etc.
Those who are without any system of working out their intoxicatiog elements.
Those who have a method by which they systematically work out their intoxicating elements.
Those who have not yet obtained any control over their minds and Sensos.
Those who bave obtained a partir control.
Those wlo have not yet reached the right attitude of mind.
Those who are in the right attitude of mind.
Those who have cut it.
Those who have aot yet cut the kaot of worldly attachments.
Those who have not potentiality to reach liberation.
Those who have got such potential. ity to reach libera.is
Jain Education International
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