Owing to the nature of the subject-matter no strict adherence to chronology has been possible. The sequence in which the names of the various thinkers and their ideas occur has been governed by logical considerations.
Discussions on Buddhistic ideas have been restricted, mainly, to the development of Buddhism in India.
The system of diacritical marks adopted in the course of this work is that of the Royal Asiatic Society.
A few footnotes have been rather lengthy because they deal with some basic notions (e. g., continuity, relativity and divisibility) which call for a somewhat elaborate treatment. The inclusion of this matter in the body of the main text would have introduced needless complication into the discussion of the main arguments in the text. Moreover any serious curtailment in their length would, it was felt, affect the requirements of clarity and proper documentation of the text.
In presenting the ideas of some karikās and the gāthâs a compromise has been adopted between a too literal translation and very free rendering into English.
In conclusion, the writer wishes to express his gratitude to Prof. T. Burrow, Prof. S. Radhakrishnan and Dr. F. W. Thomas, for the able guidance and constant encouragement he received from them while preparing this work. He is also grateful for the help accorded him by the authorities of the following libraries : The Old Bodleian, Oxford; The Library of the Indian Institute, Oxford; The Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London; The Library of the Commonwealth Relations Office, London; and The British Museum Library, London.
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