ductive agent in turn, a further productive agent and so on. See U in VD, p. 350, where sankara Miśra repudiates the views that samavāya is other-caused or self-caused and affirms it is uncaused. See also TS, Notes, p. 97, SP, Notes, p. 6, and RML, pp. 148-149. The relata are, of course, said to be produced and destroyed while the relation (samavāya) is intact. samavāyas-tveka eva, TS, p. 6, sec. 8 and SP, p. 5 (text), kā. 9; sarvatraikaḥ samavāya iti gamyate, PB, p. 697; na ca samyogavan nānātvam, ibid., p. 696; PBTS, with KR, p. 172.
The absolute oneness or sameness of samavāya inevitably raises the question how it can avoid an 'intermixture of the categories' (padārtha-sankara) which would lead, for instance, cowhood to reside in men instead of in cows. To this the Vaišeşika replies that the distinctness of the categories is sustained by the difference of the substrata and their attributes (adhārādheya-niyamāt); nanu yady ekah samaväyo dravyagunakarmaņāṁ dravyatvaguņatvakarmatvādiviśeşaņaiḥ saha sambandhaikatvat padārthasankara-prasanga iti, na adhāradheyaniyamät (PB, P. 697; see also U on VD, VII. 2. 26, and cf. SM, p. 32 (text), line 29, as well as the note on P. 81 (notes), Vines 29-3D), where reference is made to different media or avacchedakas of samavāya.
The unique character of samavaya, corresponding to the substantiality (dravyatva) of substance (dravya) or to the attributeness (gunatva) of attribute (guna), etc., is the cognitive pattern "this subsists in that" (ihedam-pratyaya. or iheti-pratyaya-darśana). This pattern or mark is said to be the invariable feature of samavāya and, therefore, to denote the unity (oneness) or the sameness of samavāya in the diverse situations of its occurrence. See PB, p. 696.
The other important considerations adduced in support of the oneness of samavāya are 'economy' (lāghava) and lack of evidence to the contrary: yathā dravyam sat gunah sat karma sadityekākārapratitivişayatvāt nänātvasādhakapramänäbhāvāt lāghavāc ca sattā ekā, tathā ghataḥ samavetaḥ patan samaveta ityādy-anugatapratitivişayatvāt bhedakapramāņābhāvāt. lāghavāc ca samavāyopyeka evetyarthah / Von U, VD, p. :
see also SPS, with M, p. 18, kā. 8. 6. samaväyasyaikatvān-nityatvād vyāpakatvāc ca / SM, p. 41. Cf.
also ibid., intro. p. xcii. 7. The three characteristics, and their implications, just re
ferred to, together with the others, in behalf of samavāya,
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