Brahmavādin, The 76, 83, 91,
116 Bșhadāraṇyakopanişad 16, 348 Buddha 348 Buddhism in Translations 40 Buddhist Philosophy 49 Buddhist Philosophy of Uni
versal Flux, The 20, 39, 46, 52
A. B. C. of Relativity, The 297 Abhidhammakosavyākhyā 41 Abhidhamma Pitaka 211 Abhidhammattha-sangaha 211 Abhidhānarājendra 3 Abhidharmakośa 19 Abhidharmakośavyākhyā 42 Adhyātmasāra 328 Advaitasiddhi 292, 295 Ahnika 289 Alāpapaddhati 328
Einstein: Philosopher Scientist 297, 298 Aloka (on HBT) 187 Anekāntavāda-Nirāsah 22, 23 Anuvyākhyāna 116 Aphorisms of the Vedanta 15 Apohasiddhi 50 Ardha-Māgadhi Dictionary 3 Arthaśāstra 61-62 Aspects of Advaita 36, 294, 296 Avassaya and Its Nijjutti 127 Avatārikā 83
Canonical Literature of the
Jainas, The 127, 373 Carakasamhitā 62 Central Conception of Bud
dhism, The 20 Chandogya 31, 73 Compendium of Philosophy,
The 211 Conception of Buddhist Nir
vāna, The 39, 45, 355 Concept of Nature, The 159 Critical Exposition of the
Theory of Leibniz, A 198 Critic of Pure Reason 136
Basic Conception of Buddhism,
The 41, 43, 44, 57, 63 Basis of Realism, The 254 B. C. Law Volume 86 Bhagavadgitā 61 Bhāmati 15, 223, 242 Bhäşātippani (N) 129 Bhâşyabhāvaprakāśikā 15 Bhattamīmämsä 289 Bibliotheca Buddhica 47 Brahmasütrabhāşya 366 Brahmasūtras 17, 77, 78, 116,
119, 142, 289 Brahmasūtra with the Comm.
of Bhaskarācārya 72, 73, 74,
Darśanodaya 77, 96 Davvasamgaha 282 Dhavalaţikā 321 Dictionary of Philosophy and
Psychology 159 Die Lehre der Jainas 3 Dinkarī 239 Dravyasangrahavrtti 282
Early Greek Philosophy 276 Early History of Indian Philo
sophy, The 62 Early Sānkhya 62 Encyclopædia Britannica 159,
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