The Jaina Stupa at Mathura: Art & Icons
Rudradeva-sāmi of Dattāgālā, Rudra..... Gahamitra (Grahamitra)...... Kumāraśiri (Kumāraśri) Vamadāsi (Brahamadāsi or Vāmādāsi) Hastisenā, Grahasiri (Grahasiri) Rudradata (Rudradattā) Jayadāsi Mitrasiri..... at the request of........ the sister of datta... Harinandi the female pupil of the venerable Pushila out of the Kottiya gana Bambhadasiya (Brahamadāsiya) and the Uchenagari (Uchchanagari) Sākhā.
V - Inscribed Image Of Sambhavanatha In The Year 48 1. Mahārājasya Huvakshasya sa[m]vachar(e) 40 8 va 2 d [i] 10 7 etasya
puvāyām K[otti]ye [gane] Bama [dā] [si]ye k[u]le Pachanagariye śākāya Dhujhavalas[ya] śiśin[i]y[e] Dh[ujha] [s]iriy [e] nirvatans [Bu]dhukasya vadhuye Savatrana [?] potr[i]y[e] Yasay[e] dana Sa[m]
bhavasya protima pra4. tasti]stape(pi]ta. Translation
“In the year 48, the 2nd (month) of the rainy season, the 17th day, of the Mahārāja Huvaksha; on that (date specified as) above, an image of Sambhava was set up by Yaśa, the grand-daughter of Savarana (?) and the daughter-in-law of Budhuka, at request of Dhujhasiri (Dhurjasri), the female disciple of Dhujhavala (Dhurjavala) out of the Kottiya-gana, Bama (dā)siya (Brahmadisiya) kula and Pachanagari (Vajranagari) sākhā.
VII - Inscribed Jaina Image, The Year 58 1. Sdha [m] Nama Śara[sa]tama Maharajas[ya] Huvakshasya sa[m]vasare
ashtapana gra[sya] masa 3 [da]visa 2 e[ta] [syam] p[u]rvasyain] Pe [?]..... gane [?] Aryachetiye kule Haritamalākadhi [yāto] sā...... [vā] chakas[y]a Hag[i]n[ā]dis[y]a si[so]gana .......... Na [?]
gaseno [?] danam [?] Translation
Sucess! Adoration! In the Year 58 of the most illustrious (?) great king Huvaksha, in the 3rd month of summer, on the 2nd day. On that (date specified as) above, the gift of Nagasena (?), the pupil of Haginadi (Bhaganandi?) a preacher ont of the...... ...... gana, the Arya-Chetiya (Arya-Chetika) kula (and) the Haritamālakadha (Haritamalagadhi) sā[khā].