Evidential Story - 46
Every, creature in this world loves freedom; even though he may not understand its meaning. How much soever good slavery may offer to live in freedom is what everyone desires. Even though you keep a parrot in a golden cage for years but he will fly away at the first opportunity. An independent and self dependent person desires the joy of freedom despite all its sufferings. A morsel taken in slavery tastes like poison. A prisoner whether bound with iron or golden chains is still a prisoner that is the reason India fought for its freedom when it was bound in slavery. The British rule was disciplined orderly and that during that period it was said that the sun would never set on its empire. In spite of having a prosperous nation the patriotic leaders got independence for our country. History is witness, to the fact India always strived to set itself free from foreign rule and slavery. This a matter of political freedom. The philosophical order is based on 2 facts 1) Bondage 2) Freedom Complete moksha is complete freedom. There is complete freedom in Jain religion. All creatures are free by nature. Even if a cow may seem to be tied to a tree but actually it is free. According to Jain religion all is vanity. Here, Acharya Maharaj Shri while showing the path of freedom from the worldly and political bondage says that the person who recites God's name achieves freedom. The worldly creature is bound by his own works.