46th Shloka for giving freedom from imprisonment
1.0 At the time of emergent dangers, when bound in iron chains, one becomes free of the Yantra is kept near, and the Riddhi, Mantra syllables and the verse are chanted while worshipping the Yantra all the time.
2.1. Perhaps, constantly in irons from top to toe and with their thighs scratched over with the edges of the fast (bound) strong chains instantly get themselves off the fear of confinement by restoring to the charm of your your name.
3.1 After bath, yellow dress is put on and the Yantra is worshipped with yellow flowers. Keeping it facing the east, the auspicious pitcher is placed; candle is kindled and moving fame with one. Then seated on the yellow sat facing north the Riddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 12000 times with yellow rosary for evincing the Mantra.
The Mantra, Yantra, Riddhi & Syllables, Yellow dress, Yellow flowers, Yellow rosary pitcher & candles kindled.
Gadham brihannigada-koti-nighrishtajanghah
Twannāma mantramanisham manujah smarantah, Sadyah swayam vigatabandhabhaya bhawanti
Perhaps, constantly in irons from top to toe and with their thighs scratched over with the edges of the fast (bound) strong chains instantly get themselves off the fear of confinement by restoring to the charm of your name.
Om hrim arham namo arihantānam namo Jinanāma hram hrim hrum hraum hrah ā sā ā si ā u sā apratichakra fat vichkräya jhraum jhraum namah swähā