deserted or uninhabited place outside the inhabited area) he will look out for forty-six kinds of faults which are similar in nature to the forty-six faults that are to be avoided with reference to food, and also the one termed adhah karma. Of these it is only necessary to enumerate the first sixteen and the first ten out of the last fourteen, the rest differing in no way from the corresponding faults with reference to food, and involving no difficulty in their application to a bastika. They have been enumerated in connection with the taking of food.*
1. The uddesa dosa occurs when a bastika is purposely built for the use of saints and pseudo saints.
2. The adhyadhi dosa signifies the erection of an extra room, or place, for the use of saints when one is building a house for one self.
3. The puti dosa consists in the mixing up of the material for the erection of a bastika for saints with the material with which one's own house is to be built.
4. The misra dosa is the setting apart of a place originally intended for the use of the ordinary people and pseudo saints. 5. The sthapita dosa is the setting apart of a house after its building for the use of saints.
6. The prabhritaka dosa is the offering of the bastika by first sweeping and dusting it on the arrival of the saint.
7. The praduskara dosa, is the making of make-shift arrangements (opening up of the roof, making holes in the walls, the lighting of a lamp) to let in light.
8. The sachittakrita dosa is the purchasing of the bastika in exchange for live stock, for the use of saints.
9. The achittakrita dasa is purchasing it with grain, sugar and such other lifeless things, for the use of saints.
10. The pramisra dosa is its acquisition for saints' use by borrowing the money.
II. The parivartana dosa is taking the loan of a bastike for the use of the saint by placing one's own house at the disposal of its owner temporarily.
* See "Sannyasa Dharma ", pp. 103 to 107.
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat