JAIN POILOSOPHY & MODERN SCIENCE eliminating all the past Karmas. All the living spirits are independent in themselves, they are not the parts of one whole substance
Atheistic Philosophy Atheistic philosophy, in one form or another has always existed in India along side of the other philosophies, and Acharya Brahaspati is believed to be its founder Atheistic philosophy is also known as the Carvaka philosophy or the Lokayatıka view Its ideologies with reference to soul are directly opposite to all theistic philosophies In short, Atheistic philosophy is as follows "The soul is not an original (real) substance and as such the question of its emancipation does not arise In the absence of the original substance which is the soul, the existence of all vice and virtue and religion and irreligion (sin) and the result and effects of good and bad deeds is automatically invalidated The Universe is that what we perceive Eat, drink, and enjoy, therefore. That which is past is not yours. He who is dead will not return The human body is only an aggregate of material elements. The earth, the water, the air and the fire are the bases of living organism The dependable critique of knowledge (Pramana) is confined to perception The soul originates with the combination of the four elements viz, the earth, water, air and fire, and is destroyed with their dissolution."26
Shaddaishan Samchchaya