• Drafted several policy statements for delivery in
national media. (i.e. JAINA Code of ethics & Conduct, Faith The JAINA/JCSC National Library is located in Jain based Charity, Gun control, Racial Profiling, Affirmative Center of Southern California (JCSC) in Buena Park near Los action). Angeles.
. Representing JAINA at Interfaith Conference and All books in Gujarati, Hindi, English and Sanskrit have Interfaith Alliance of DC. been catalogued. We recently received 353 books donated by • Represented JAINA at The White House conference Jain Vishva Bharati, Ladnun bringing the total number of books on "Faith-Based & Community Initiatives" as well as "Caring to approximately 6,000.
for ill and Dying while respecting one's Faith". To fulfill the aim of making the library collection avail- . Arranged all phases of Jain Prayer in the U.S. able to any interested member in the United States and Canada, Congress in May 2001. In 2000 and 2001 organized Jain prayer a comprehensive list of the library books is available on the at Maryland General Assembly as well as Jain Pilgrimage exhibinternet at www.jaincenter.net. We encountered a problem with it at Washington Smithsonian Museum. Now working on Jain LibrarySoft software in updating the old web list with the latest Prayer in U.S. Senate waiting for scheduling. complete list of books in all languages. It should be resolved soon.
Accomplishments since July 2003: Any interested member can search the books by title or • Organizing Partner with George Washington author, and send an e-mail request to the librarian to forward University Interfaith Service (GWIS) Foundation in organizing the material to him/her. The material will be mailed to the two conferences: requester within 10 days. The recipient will be responsible for . Compelled to Relationship: What does your scripreturning it to the library.
tures says about it? The library will be moved in July 2005 to the adjoining . Religious Accommodation in Care of ill and dying? new Cultural Complex in order to renovate the current facility. . Acquired "Letter from President Bush" for Ahinsa We humbly request donations for the library upkeep.
Day 2003
Presented qualification and documents requirements Ramesh Shah, Chairperson
for "R" visa vs. visitor visa - JAINA meeting Oct 2003.
• Assisted in Development of JAINA exhibit - Sudhir
• Development of JAINA Code of Ethics and
Conducts draft - Sushil Jain/ Mamta Shaha Purpose:
• Organized Strategic development conference in • Educate the North American public about Jainism, partnership with Long Range Planning committee at Kellogg culture and heritage.
Institute of Management - Sushil, Sunit and Manoj Jain • Educate the Jain American community about our civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights; and work to Sushil Jain, M.D. Chairperson protect and promote these rights.
• Develop resources and provide services to empower the community to fully realize and enjoy the aforementioned rights.
Members: Sushil Jain - MD Coordinator
1. Publication of Children Books from Jr. KG to 2nd Manoj Dharamsi - VA
Sudhir K. Shah - CT Standard in Association with Bhartiya Jain Sanghatana Anant K. Jain - TX
Manoj K. Jain - TN 2. Free Distribution of above books in North America Mamta Shaha - NY
Amar Salgia - CA
3. Publication of English Songs for children from Jr. KG to Gunvant (Gary) Shah - NY Dilip K. Bobra - AZ 2nd Standard in Association with Bhartiya Jain Sanghatana Gabriel Figueroa - TX
4. Free Distribution of above songs in North America Accomplishments since inception:
Preparation of Jain Games - can be played in Computer . Wrote letters to many newspapers and magazines 6. Free Distribution of above games in North America correcting myths and misinformation published regarding 7. Publication of Animated stories and songs on Jain culture Jainism in various media publications. Took the opportunity to 8. Free Distribution of above stories and songs educate media regarding Jainism and established local points of 9. Work in progress for Jain Books for children from contact to avoid misinformation.
Standard 3rd till early college levels. · Led a multi-pronged protest against Sun micro Systems in their three attempts to use Jain as their product Dr. Prem Gada, Chairperson exclusive trademark in US Patent office. We were able to pre
vent this from occurring. Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only
www.jainelibrary.org 9 JAIN DIGEST SUMMER 2005