Over 50% of the respondents preferred a location near a city of medium size. Florida rose to the top of the list of ideal states, followed by California and then Texas.
Many of us are almost ready to retire! Most are planning to move into a retirement community within next four years and preferred a 1,200 to 1,800 Sq.ft. condo/townhouse with 2 to 3 bedrooms. Ideal price range was $100,000 to $250,000 with a cap of $300,000.
At this point, all options for suitable sites are being closely explored and evaluated. As we continue to move this very important project forward, we welcome your ideas, suggestions and comments. In addition, if you would like to invest/donate, please contact Gunvant Shah at 732-246-4030 or via email at profgaryshah@yahoo.com
Mr. Gunvant Shah, Chairman
Upkaran like hot water bag, pain crash tube, balm, jatyadimalaam, knee cap, mosquito net, soap for loachen, waist belt for back problem and many other items.
Amenities are key to this project. A majority of respondents prefer a community dining hall with a kitchen, Kirit Daftary, Chairman along with a medical facility and shopping center. Close to a third of us would like to have 24-hour nursing assistance in the vicinity of our living space. And of course we will be sure to have V. R. GANDHI SCHOLARSHIP
a Jain Temple and a community hall on the premises. If needed, we may share the development with a Hindu community to provide a more affordable option.
Encouraging to note that the tremendous efforts undertaken by the JAINA Senior Housing are highlighted within the cover story in the May 20th edition of India Abroad's "Twilight in America" Magazine (page M3). Great press for an even greater project! We look forward to sharing more details as this plan progresses. In the meantime, enjoy your path to retire
An Eye Check Up Camp was held at Palitana during the same time. During the current period we had opportunity to serve 887 Sadhu and Sadhviji Bhagwant in and around Ahmedabad. 230 Sadhu and Sadhviji Bhagwant had their eyes checked up and were given pair of glasses.
1. Objective/Purpose: This scholarship was established by JAINA to promote/encourage studies in Jainism, to spread Bhagwan Mahavir's message, a lifetime goal of Shri Virchand Raghavji Gandhi and thereby to honour Shri V.R. Gandhi and commemorate the centenary of the great historical event of the first ever organized Parliament of World Religions held in 1893 at Chicago, U.S.A. where he attended it as a representative of the Jain Religion.
It is awarded to students and Sadhus- Sadhvis doing M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D in Jain Literature, Philosophy, Sculpture, Temple architecture,etc. at recognized institutions and Universities. To celebrate his death centenary in 2001, a book 'Jyotirdharni Jivan Gatha', a Gujarati edition about his life story by P.R. Shah and an English version book titled "Glimpses of Jainism and Biography of Forgotten Hero Shri Virchand Raghavji Gandhi" by the same author were published and distributed free at VRG booths at 2001 and 2003 JAINA Conventions respectively and thereafter at different Jain Centers, Pathshalas. Books were also sent out Universities and Institutions offering studies in Jainism in India.
A web site www.jaina.org/VRG Committee provides complete information about the Brochure, Application Forms, VRG rare literature etc.
Teerthodhar Committee of JAINA had sponsored various camps thru Shri Navkar Sarvar Kendra of Ahmedabad during the 2nd month of Shravan of Samvat year 2060. During month of August, they visited several upshrays at Sanad, Limbdi, Rajkot, Ratanpar, Joravarnagar, Wadhvan, Surendranagar, Viramgam, Mandal, Sankeshwar, Harij, Patan, Chanasama, Mehsana, Visnagar, Vijapur, Mahudi, Kalol, Surat, Borsad and Khambhat. They treated and gave medicine to 440. They also went to Palitana. On the way to Palitana on 26/08/04, they had opportunity to serve Sadhu and Sadhviji Bhagvant, 2 at Kalikund Tirth, 3 at Dhandhuka Tirth, 3 at Ayodhyapuram Tirth, 3 at Vallabhipur Tirth & 6 at Sihor Tirth.
There were about 1200 Sadhu and Sadhviji Bhagvant at Palitana. Hence 2 days camp were held at Palitana. Next day, 138th Ayurvedic Camp was inaugurated near Jambhu Dhwip, in presence of Acharya Bhagwant. 81 Sadhu and Sadhviji Bhagwant were given Ayurvedic Medicines and 59 Sadhviji Bhagwant were treated by our hadvaidben (Orthopedic treat- WEB SITE COMMITTEE ment). A camp was held at Paach Bunglow Dharamshala in Palitana, where they served 31 Sadhu and Sadhviji Bhagwant for Ayurvedic treatment and 14 Sadhviji for Orthopedic treatment. In addition to Ayurvedic Medicine, they also provided other 12. JAIN DIGEST
Jain Education International
Since year 2001, the death centenary year of VRG and 2600th Birth Year of Bhagwan Mahavir India Subcommittee is publishing about award of this scholarship in national newspa pers and in almost all Jain publications and mailing out prescribed application forms to institutions offering advance and research studies in Jainism.
Nonrefundable 18 scholarships up to Rs. 15,000 were awarded so far to students studying (Ph.D., M.A., and M.Phil) in Jainism. This year advertisement has been despatched to 50 [English, Hindi and Gujarati ] publications and 82 different Jain publications all over India.
Pravin C. Shah Chair Person
During last 12 months JAINA's website www.iaina.org has undergone a complete transformation. The new design is user friendly, dynamic, attractive and consists of complete inforSUMMER 2005