Book Title: Jain Digest 2005 07
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ JAINA DIRECTORS MEETING July 2nd, 2005, Santa Clara, CA Summary of minutes of Annual Directors Meeting on sion, the resolution was proposed by Mr. Udai Jain, seconded by Saturday, July 2, 2005 “JAINA Convention 2005" Santa Clara Mr. Kirit Daftary. The resolution was passed by simple majority. Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA 95054 Further discussion revolved around the proposal that each candiThere were nearly fifty EC members, Directors, Center date should be given the opportunity to appoint an observer Presidents, Committee chairs, Co-chairs, and guests were present when votes are being opened and counted. There was an exten(list attached). sively spirited discussion on this proposal regarding the role of observers and maintaining confidentiality. In this process, 1. Meeting started at 3:05 PM with Prayer by Ms. Executive committee forwarded its recommended resolution, and Pramodaben Chitrabhanu. election committee's response to that resolution outlining its con cerns regarding EC resolution. Both documents were read to all 2. President's report: After a brief introduction by each for consideration during deliberation. After an extensive deliberattendee, Anop Vora thanked every one for coming and making ation following resolution was proposed."Each candidate shall this meeting a success. He offered many positive accolades in be given the opportunity to appoint an observer to observe the favor of each volunteer who helped to organize this convention. election process including counting ballots. The observer(s) shall He commented that nearly all committees had filed annual abide by all rules and regulations set by election committee progress reports. It is evident that there are hundreds of volun- including maintaining confidentiality." Twenty four directors teers doing excellent work quietly and without fan fare under voted in favor, eleven opposed and five abstained. The motion JAINA umbrella. He remarked that although there is so much was carried by simple majority. Mr. Vinay Jain, election commitwork being done, yet many Jains in North America are not tee and two observers started the vote count and one hour later informed of JAINA activity. He recommended that in the next reported the following: President: Mr. Kirit Daftary, 1st VP: Mr. JAINA committee we make this a priority issue. Dilip V. Shah, Secretary: Ms. Lata Champsee, Treasurer: Mr. Pravin Mehta, VP Canada: Mr. Jasvant Mehta, VP West: Mr. 3. Secretary: Sushil Jain presented the minutes of Board Bipin A. Shah, VP Southwest: Mr. Udai Jain, VP Southeast: of Directors meeting held in October at Niagara Falls, Canada. Deepika Dalal, VP Midwest: Ms. Ila Mehta, VP Northeast: Mr. He e-mailed minutes to all directors a week ago as well as distrib- Gunvant Shah. uted copies for individuals to review. After brief comments Mr. Bipin Parikh proposed that they be approved. This was seconded 6. Convention 2005 report: Mr. Kirit Daftary reported by Gunvant Shah. Minutes were approved by all with minor cor- that so far there are 3200 registrations. He expects the registration rections (Handout #1). He further remarked and recognized Mr. to reach 3500. He gave highlights of program for each day and Kamlesh Amin for continuously working hard each day to help thanked JCNC for their outstanding support and volunteerism. with administrative responsibility of many leaders. He is to be He anticipates that JAINA will need financial support to achieve applauded for his devotion to duty for job well done. its goals for this convention. 4. Treasurer's report: Jit Turakhia mailed audited account 7. Committee reports: reports to all directors in mid June; he distributed copies and pre a. Education committee - Mr. Pravin K. Shah reported sented a comprehensive report on accounts balance as of 30 June that all the publications (eight books) are published. Last year we 2005. We have the following: Gen funds - $56K, Patron sold nearly $50K worth of books and have approximately $70K Program - $71K, 2005 Cony fund -$315K, Charitable trust - worth of books on inventory. These books are sold to customers $140K. Jain Digest fund - $103K. It was suggested and agreed around the globe. that treasurer will continue to prepare annual cash flow report. b.Senior Housing project - Mr. Gunvant Shah reported Sumati Shah proposed that the report be accepted; motion was that he has several leads on land in Northern Florida. He felt that seconded by Pramodaben and approved by all. (Handout #2). He his committee needs to move fast due to the fact that the price of reported that Mr. Dhiraj Shah resigned as JAINA USAID repre- land is ever incresing. He requested information and support sentative. He commented that this function should be coordinat- from all centers. (Handout # 3) ed by new treasurer. c. Interfaith Committee - Mr. Naresh Jain reported that JAINA has joined interfaith community especially Hindu com5. Election Committee: Mr. Vinay Jain described the munity and partner with them to organize and support Dharma election procedure. He pointed out that three out of five commit- Conference at Rutgers University, NJ. He requested financial tee members resigned for personal reason and recommended a support from each organization. (Handout # 4). resolution to appoint Mr. Prem Jain to add to election commit d . JAINA history project - Mr. Ram Gada, on behalf of tee, making it a three member committee. After a brief discus- Chairman, requested each center to contribute and send their 15. JAIN DIGEST SUMMER 2005 For Private & Personal use only Jain Education Intemational


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