Book Title: Jain Digest 2001 03 Vol 18 No 02
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ DO HEADQUARTERS NEWS.... GIVELSE JAINA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETS IN CHICAGO The Executive Committee of JAINA held its meeting on . On April 6th, 2001, there will be a program on 2600h March 31, 2001 at the Temple in Bartlett, IL. Birth Anniversary in New Delhi and JAINA will be represented. The following items were discussed at this meeting: Dhiraj Shah whould represent JAINA as a member of the Execu• The meeting was opened with the recitation of Namokar tive Committee. Mantra. • JAINA calendar was very well received by our commu• JAINA President Mahendra Pandya was unable to attend nity. Rajiv Pandya is already working on the 2002 calendar. the meeting due to health problems. In his absence Bipin Parikh, Gujarat earthquake relief work is going on well. Some of First Vice President, JAINA chaired the meeting and welcomed the JAINA members had already visited the affected area. the Executive Committee members, Convention Board members · April 7th, 2001 is the last day for sending the names of and other guests. Board of Directors for 2001 to Vinay Jain, Chairman, Nomina• Bipin Parikh and Vinay Vakani, Secretary, JAINA stated tion and Election Committee. that Mahendra Pandya had been hospitalized in India and wished . The First Vice President of JAINA traditionally acts as him a quick recovery. All attendees expressed the same sentiments. the chairman of the Award Committee. Though he would like to . Vinay Vakani read the minutes of the meeting held on stay on the committee, because of other responsibilities he proSeptember 30, 2000 at Siddhachalam. The following items were posed to include Chandrakant Mehta from New Jersey as a memdiscussed prior to approving the minutes: ber. Executive Committee approved the proposal. Award nomi1. Dhiraj Shah raised a question regarding the discussion at nation details went out with the JAINA Convention flyer- first Siddhachalam that all JAINA Committee Chairpersons should do two award are one each and the remaining number would be dethe disbursement of the funds after review by the Executive Com- cided later. mittee. He stated that individual committee traditionally disbursed . Anop Vora presented the Treasurer's report. He pointed the funds raised by the committee and did not see need for in- out that JAINA did not have sufficient funds in General Fund. forming the Executive Committee about this matter. Vinay Vakani He proposed to take $20,000 out of Calendar and Booksource stated that all funds raised by various committees were received in Committee's account. According to Anop Vora, Calendar and the name of JAINA. It was therefore appropriate and prudent Booksource Committee has a balance of $45,000 and it needs that JAINA Executive Committee was apprised (not specifically only $20,000 to publish calendars. It was reasoned that when people seeking an approval) of disbursement of the funds. Anop Vora, send money to JAINA in response to calendar they are really supTreasurer, JAINA stated that he felt comfortable with the current porting JAINA and not just the Calendar Committee's effort. So arrangement and did not see the need for informing the Executive it should be acceptable to take the money from Calendar Committee. Since there was no resolution adopted on this issue Committee's account. Anop Vora also proposed to get $10,000 at Sidhhachalam meeting, it was decided to delete the reference to from JAINA Charitable trust. this subject from the minutes. Dhiraj Shah suggested that just as Jain Digest is a JAINA 2. The Minutes of the Meeting inadvertently omitted to project we should make calendar also a JAINA project. This way record the resolution that was adopted at Sidhhachalam meeting any donation received against the calendar will go to JAINA Genthat elected Rajiv Pandya as the chairman of the Calendar Com- eral Fund. mittee. The resolution was adopted at the time of splitting the Vinay Vakani stated that it is totally inappropriate to take Education Committee into various committees. This omission money from the Calendar and Booksource Committee without was discovered while discussing the funds needed for JAINA's deficit first discussing it with the committee chairman. In light of previfor the year. For the record, Rajiv Pandya is the duly appointed ous discussion on disbursement of funds by the committee chairchairman of the Calendar Committee. persons, it is only proper to follow the same guidelines. He proThe minutes of the meeting were approved with above two posed that Bipin Parikh should talk this over with Mahendra amendments. Pandya, and both of them approach Rajiv Pandya to obtain his • Bipin Parikh, the acting President, presented the follow views on this matter. ing President's Report: Dilip Shah suggested that the general practice of JAINA should • The celebration of Bhagwan Mahavir's 2600th Janna be to request the committee for money and not take away directly Kalyanak (Birth Anniversary) will be a focal point of the JAINA as these committees raise money for their own use. Convention. 6/ JAIN DIGEST SUMMER 2001 Jain Education International 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only


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