Book Title: Jain Digest 2001 03 Vol 18 No 02
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 17
________________ COMMITTEE NEWS... MEDIA WATCH & PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: MAHAVIR MEMORIAL COMMITTEE For the past 4-5 months the Committee has been involved in The 2600th Janma Kalyanak day of Lord Mahavir on April 6 clearing misconception in the media about Jainism. Sushil Jain was celebrated with Navkar Mantra Jaap and other religious achas prepared an Interfaith Alliance statement and issued a state- tivities at all Jain centers. Various other programs will be held at ment on gun control and a statement on houses of worship. The all Jain Centers throughout the year 2001 to celebrate this historic committee is continuing the work with Interfaith Alliance in edu- event. Several mayors and Governors have declared year 2001 as cating the public about bias against prayers in the community. the year of nonviolence to commemorate these celebrations. CelRegarding Mr. John Ashcroft's nomination as Attorney General, ebration of 2600th birth year of Lord Mahavir will be a focal point the Committee neither opposed it nor endorsed it, instead ques- of the JAINA Convention in Chicago on July 5-8, 2001, tions were sent to the United States Senate asking how Mr. Ashcroft A 3-fold leaflet providing a short summary of Jainism was will distance himself when making race related decisions. The published on that day to commemorate the 2600 Janma Kalyanak Committee also issued a statement on faith-based charity. The day of Lord Mahavir. This colored leaflet has been written mainly Committee was successful in not allowing Sun Microsoft's claim for those who do not know much about Jainism. The main purto make JAIN as their company-owned trademark. This issue pose of this leaflet is to promote awareness of Jainism in North may come up again in about 5 years, so we need to educate non- America through media, interfaith organizations, educational inJains and non-Hindus about Jainism. This should also include in- stitutions, etc. Copies of the leaflet have been sent to all Jain terfaith leaders, United States Congressmen and Senators so that Centers for their distribution to libraries, schools, media, comthey would be aware of Jainism as a faith. The Committee worked munity leaders, religious leaders of other faiths, and interfaith orwith Interfaith Alliance in issuing a statement on campaign fi- ganizations. Please join hands with your Jain Center officials in nance reforms and is preparing a statement against hate crimes. increasing awareness of Jain religion. The Committee is currently looking at other religion-websites to A historic event took place on May 22 when the U.S. Consee how they are organized and what they offer. gress opened with a Jain prayer in celebration of the 2600h birth Jain prayers would be recited in the upcoming session of the anniversary year of Lord Mahavir. (Details given on page 4). United States House of Representatives and the Senate on May te on May A hio cele A big celebration is being planned in September 2001 in New 22, 2001. For the first time in the history of the United States of York. This function is expected to be presided over by the Prime varl America, Jainism and Jains will receive this unprecedented recog- Minister of India Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan nition and honor. (See report about this historic event elsewhere and the Jain Community are working on these celebrations. in this issue) Sushil Jain, Chairman Dr. Manoj Dharamsi, Chairman Phone: (703) 620-9837 MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE : E-Mail: At a recently held executive committee meeting, JAINA has added one more center to the JAINA family. Please join me in welcoming Jain Society of Greater Lansing, Michigan. With the continuous efforts of the membership committee, JAINA is becoming a stronger organization year by year. Let us all work together to keep up with our united actions to attain newer heights. A Special Request to ALL member centers.... In order to keep you informed of all the developments at JAINA, we need to have the current contact information for your center. When your center has a change in the administration/president, please notify us the changes within 30 days. Please incorporate this in your procedure for change of administration. The incoming Presidents are requested to include your name, address, phone, fax and e-mail address and mail (on the letterhead of your center) with your original signature, to : Kamlesh Shah, Chairman 13704 Valley Oak Circle ,Rockville MD 20850 PH: (301) 838-9778. Jain Education Interational 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only JAIN DIGEST. SUMMER 2001/15


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