F581: Gujarati parents invite responses for F862: Gujarati parents invite to settle in USA. Call: 916/923-9701. beautiful, talented, cultured daughter, born correspondence for their beautiful, slim, Email: kawediya@intel.com Dec 73, 5'1", 110 lb, BS (molecular vegetarian, talented, US born daughter, biology), biotech / software professional in June 75, 5'6", MD, from vegetarian MDI AF312: Alliance invited for pretty, silicon valley, CA, from well educated, Professional boys. Mail photo / biodata to: charming, professional, divorcee, Gujarati Gujarati professionals. Call: 408/272-6833 D. Shah, 3345-E North Chatham female, born March 67, 5'6", 127 lb, MS Rd., Ellicott City, MD 21042.
(biotech / biochem), well employed as F714: Alliance invited for beautiful, fair,
Research Associate in a reputed co., from charming, vegetarian Jain girl, born Aug 74, F863: Gujarati parents invite proposals for educated, caring, simple, open minded 5'6", 125 lb, BA (Comp Sc), MS (Info sys), beautiful, fair, slim, talented, virtuous, match. Call: 818/735-0916/ Email: well employed as consultant in a reputed vegetarian, US born daughter, Oct 75,5'2", kikowani@aol.com co., from professional well educated, 105 lb, BS (Fin/MIS), well employed in a cultured boys. Call: 732/922-6274. Email: reputed co., from well educated, cultured
AF313: Jain parents invite proposals for pearl_jain@yahoo.com boys. Call: 334/283-5340.Email:
their beautiful, slim, vegetarian, US born guni3@yahoo.com
daughter, April 73, 5'2", PhD (June 2001), F797: Gujarati parents invite responses for
from well educated, professional boys.Call: beautiful, fair, attractive, slim, vegetarian, AF298: Alliance invited for pretty, slim, 9731467-5949. US citizen daughter, born Dec 77,5'1", 105 attractive, vegetarian, well rounded, Ib, BA (comp sc), from well educated, castwest balanced, US raised daughter, born
AF315: Gujarati parents invite proposals for professional cultured vegetarian boys. Call: Oct 75, 5'5", 110 lb. MBA (Fin), well beautiful, attractive, intelligent, vegetarian, 70 41 599-6575. Email: employed, from cultured, professional. US citizen daughter, born June 73, 5'1", phool195@hotmail.com
vegetarian, non-smoker boys. Call: 718/ 115 lb, BS (biology), BS (gen studies), well 454-4069.
employed as Research Asst. at Uni. school, F854: Gujarati parents invite
from cultured,well educated, non-smoker correspondence for pretty, talented, AF305: Alliance invited for a Bombay boys. Call: 314/781-6759. Email: vegetarian, US citizen daughter, born Dec raised Occupational Therapist who has been kapadias@slu.edu 70, 5'5", 135 lb, BS (Intl business), well in the USA for the last 4 years, born April employed as administrator in a reputed co., 75, 5'3", 106 lb. She is attractive,
AF316: Gujarati parents invite from cultured, educated boys. Call: 631/ adventurous and vegetarian. Phone: 630/ correspondence for their charming, very 385-0797.Email: bobby@tsiny.com 728-1887. Email: swatig3@yahoo.com
pretty, attractive, slim, intelligent,
vegetarian, US born / raised daughter, July F858: Responses invited for fair, slim, AF307: Responses invited for Gujarati 76, 5'4", MD, beginning residency June pretty, charming, compassionate, vegetarian, fair girl, born Jan 76, 5'5", MBA 2001, from cultured, professional well accomplished, Biological engineer, (Fin), working for Fortune 500 co., in a educated, vegetarian, non-smoker boys. Canadian raised daughter, March 68, 5'3", senior position. Call: 610/317-80270r Fax: Call: 650/326-7188. MD, US MLE, doing residency in Family 610/419-1248. Practice, from well established Jain
AF317: Alliance invited by Jain family for professional family. Call: 416/593-7546. AF310: Alliance invited for pretty, very beautiful, charming, slim, virtuous, Email: jainva@hotmail.com
intelligent, professional, vegetarian, accomplished, vegetarian daughter, born
Gujarati girl, born Oct 68, 5'0", 115 lb, June 77, 5'3", 99 lb, BS (nutrition), F860: Gujarati parents invite proposals with BS (Accounting), well employed as pursuing MS (nutrition), from professional, biodata/photo, for pretty, slim, vegetarian, Manager, from professional, vegetarian, cultured, vegetarian Hindi / Gujarati boys. US citizen daughter, born Sept 73, 5'4", cultured match. Call: 714/985-1465. She is currently in India and willing to settle 100 lb, AAS (Medical lab tech), well Email: ydoshi@informslink.com
in USA. Call: 248/626-1117.Email: employed with reputed bank, from well
or educated, professional, Gujarati boys. caste
AF311: Well-settled Jain brother in US bhuvanjain@hotmail.com no bar. Call: 847/259-1367. Email: invites responses for beautiful, attractive, koza3@hotmail.com
slim, talented, family oriented sister born Sept 78,5'3", 100 lb, MBA, from educated, cultured boys. She is in India and willing
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