Book Title: Jain Digest 2001 01 Vol 17 No 01
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 17
________________ The Eternal Message of Jain Wisdom (cont.) CONCEPT OF KARMA EQUALITY The significant achievement of Tiruchankar Mahavir's revo- Mahavir laid great stress on the equality of all human belution in spiritual field was the upholding of the concept of karma ings. Stressing action and not birth as a determining factor of in place of the creator God. He said that man is the architect of superiority was a radical step in the teachings of Mahavir. He his own destiny and he can rise only by his own efforts and not by proclaimed, "A person does not become a monk by merely tonthe grace of any external agency. God is devoid of attachment, suring, nor a Brahamana by reciting the Omkara Mantra, nor a hence there is no need for him to create this universe, which is Muni by living in the forest, nor a hermit by wearing clothes beginning less and endless. Every inexplicable event in the life of woven out of Kusa grass. One becomes a monk by equanimity, an individual occurs due to the karmas accumulated in his previ- a Brahmana by celibacy, a Muni by his knowledge and a hermit ous life. Karma is conceived as something essentially material which by his austerities” (Utta. Su., 25.31, 32). He boldly condemned gets interlined with immaterial soul. As particles of dust get at the caste system based on birth alone for the defects that had tached to the body smeared with oil, so does karma with the soul. crept in it at that time. Bhagwan Mahavir had great regard for Bhagwan Mahavira says. "Attachment and aversion are the root women. He said that both men and women were eligible to causes of karma and karma originates from infatuation; karma is attain emancipation after destroying the passions and karmas. the root cause of birth and death and these (birth and death) are He declared, "There are many virtuous women who are famous said to be the source of misery (Utta. Su., 32.7). He further adds, for their purity and chastity. They are like the goddesses before "None can escape the effect of their own past karmas” (Utta.Su4.3). whom even the celestials bow” (Bhagavati Aradhana 995). CONQUEST OF PASSIONS IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN EFFORT Bhagwan Mahavir was a great believer in soul, godliness. The importance of human effort is emphasised by Mahavir karma and rebirth. According to him, a man should lift his soul which rules supreme in Jainism. He asserts in Uttaradhyayana by his own efforts. He says, “The soul is the begetter of both hap- Sutra, "This life is most difficult to obtain. Just as the dry leaves piness and sorrow; it is its own friend when it treads the path of of a tree wither away, so also when duration of life terminates righteousness and is its own enemy when it treads the forbidden human life too comes to an end (Urra. Su., 10.1). It is only the path" (Utta. Su., 20.37). The pre-requisite to the path of righ- ignorant who do cruel acts and hence are tied to the cycle of birth teousness is to conquer the four passions, viz., anger, pride, deceit and death. In Dasavaikalika Sutra it is said, "One should endeavand greed and the five sense-organs. He says, "Conquer anger by our on the path of righteousness before old age creeps up, the forgiveness, pride by humility, deceit by straight-forwardness and senses become feeble and man falls prey to all kinds of diseases" greed by contentment" (Dasavaikalika Su., 8.39). According to (Dasa. Su., 8.36.) Dharma preached by Mahavir is called Veetaraga Mahavir, conquering one's own self is the most difficult thing. He Dharma. He himself practised it first and than preached the same never ignored this aspect in his preaching. He says, "Victory over to others. In religion, internal purity is more important than exone's self is greater than conquering thousands and thousands of ternal observance. Bhagwan Mahavir says in Uttaradhyayana Sutra, enemies on the battle-field. A true conqueror is one who conquers “The path of salvation really rests in insight, critical knowledge his own self (Utta. Su., 9.34). and pure conduct; cloths and other religious paraphernalia are just outside symbols”. It has been repeatedly declared by both FUTILITY OF MATERIAL COMFORTS Swetambar and Digambar Agams that "Even if an ascetic walks about unclad, grows lean and eats only once after months of rig. Bhagwan Mahavira says that all material comforts and plea orous fasting, if filled with deceit, he will be born endless number sures can never satiate anybody and give him true happiness. He of times” (Sutrakrtanga Sutra preached the doctrine of non-possession to limit the desires for wordly pursuits. He says, “It is owing to attachment that a person commits violence, utters lies, commits theft, indulges in sex and CATHOLICITY OF APPROACH develops a yearning for unlimited hoardings (Bhakta - Parijna There has been catholicity and absence of dogmatic approach in 132). Possessiveness and greed are the main causes which create Jain belief. Bhagwan Mahavir said that Dharma is of prime imtension in the life of an individual and also in the society at large. portance to every one in life. In Dasavaikalika Sutra, he says that Hence, as aspirant should limit his possessions and desires to the righteousness (Dharma) is supremely auspicious. Its constitutents minimum extent. are non-violence, self-restraint and austerity. Even the celestials rever him who is rooted in Dharma (Dasa. Su. 1.1.) Any person, irrespective of caste, creed and colour can follow this path of purification. JAIN DIGEST. SPRING 2001/15 Jain Education Interational 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only


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