Federation of Jain Associations in North America A Non-Profit Tax Exempt Religious Organization. IRS Code Section 501(c)(3) El #54-1280028
yja-exec@egroups.com. http://www.yja.org/
पदस्योमको जीवनाम
Jai Jinendra!
Birud Jhaveri
(503) 292-1965 birudjhaveri@mail.com
Nirav Shah
(215) 361-1544 nirav_shah@mail.com
After three successful regional conferences this past Thanksgiving weekend, the YJA Executive Board has been diligently working to plan for the coming six months. In order to start off on the right track, we held our semi-annual board meeting in late January in Chicago, IL. The board members, new and old, came together to share ideas, brainstorm new projects, and coordinate our current efforts.
We are currently working on several main projects. Our top priority is the play-in-a-box that was created for the celebration of the 2600h Mahavir Jayanti on April 6, 2001. In addition to that we are assisting the JAINA Chicago Convention committee in planning educational and social sessions for the youth that will attend. Our third main project is the preparations for our own biennial convention that will be on the 4th of July weekend in 2002.
Education Amishi Dedhia
(310) 443-8638 amishidedhia@mail.com
Events Shama Khandwala
(847) 985-6858 shamakhandwala@mail.com Finance/Fundraising
Neil Shah (310) 989.7395 neil_shah@mail.com Membership/Records
Shetal Sutaria
(202) 333-1349 shetal sutaria@mail.com
Publications Rajan Mehta (510) 704-5683 rajmehta @mail.com Public Relations
Mansi Shah
(313) 598-6754 mansishah@mail.com Information Technology
Beeneet Kothari
(631) 586-1579 beeneetkothari amail.com
Little did we know that on that fateful Friday of our board meeting a terrible earthquake would rock the state of Gujarat. Along with JAINA, we immediately set forth to collect and send monetary donations, medicines, clothes, food, and shelter. Project Ahimsa, our disaster relief project was born soon after.
With Project Ahimsa, YJA has taken upon itself to implement an ambitious project to send much needed materials to the victims in Gujarat. We are asking you to take an active role in helping YJA succeed in aiding these victims of the disastrous earthquake. Visit http://www.yja.org/earthquakerelief for all the details. A list of necessary items as well as collection centers in your area can be found at this site. The devastating effects of this quake will be felt for many months. Please join us in making a long-term commitment to helping our Jain friends by continuing to donate goods over the next 3 months.
Looking to the future, the YJA Executive Board is working closely with several groups interested in hosting our next convention in the summer of 2002. With the ball rolling on the planning of this event over 18 months in advance, we have no doubt that our next convention will be the best ever. If you are interested in assisting us with this mammoth project, please contact one of the co-chairs for more information. As more information becomes available on Convention 2002, we will post it on our website.
To learn more about any of our current projects, hear about what is going on in your region, or to find out how you can get involved please visit our new and improved website at http://www.yja.org. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions feel free to contact either one of us via phone or email.
Mid Atlantic Rahul Mepani
(508) 850-8906 rahulmepani@mail.com
Midwest Chintan Shah
(608) 864-4126 chintan shah amail.com
Northeast Sanjay Raisoni
(248) 651-1299 sanjayraisoni@mail.com
South Pavan Zaveri
(713) 797-0217 pavanzaveri@mail.com
Rina Shah (703) 989-4475 rinashahia mail.com
West Suken Jain (714) 529-5874 sukenjaina mail.com
Sincerely, Nirav Shah and Birud Jhaveri Co-Chairs, Young Jains of America
Young Jains of America (YJA) is the umbrella youth organization of the Federation of Jain Associations in North America (JAINA). The mission of YJA is to be recognized
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