Book Title: Jain Digest 2001 01 Vol 17 No 01
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ 11 TH BIENNIAL JAINA CONVENTION Practicing Jainism in 21st Century Jai Jinendra July 5th, the opening day of the 11" Biennial JAINA Conven- tion Services programs are planned. We also have lectures planned tion is near. This Convention will be the third that JAINA has with a focus on career and business. A day care services for young held in the city of Chicago. During the dual celebrations of children will be provided. Pratishtha and JAINA convention of 1995, over 11,000 people for the first time, JAINA is taking full financial responsibilattended. We hope that that number will be surpassed this year. ity for the convention. In 2001, for the first time, a networking Already at this early date, the hotel rooms for this year's Con- program for the officers and trustees of Jain Centers of North vention are filling up rapidly as over 600 families have already America will be incorporated. Also, families will be able to meet registered. To enable us to accommodate as many people as pos- one-on-one with scholars of their choice, on a first-come, firstsible, I would greatly appreciate and urge you to make your reser- serve basis. Educational and commercial booths will offer unique vations now. Registration packet is enclosed. Also, you may reg- learning and shopping opportunities. From academia, professors ister online at our website, will attend to make families aware of the Jain educational opporThe 11th Biennial Convention will open with the North tunities available on campuses. American Celebration of Bhagvan Mahavir's 26th birth centenary. The JAINA Convention Board and the Jain Society of MetIt is our hope that the Honorable Atal Bihari Vajpai, Prime Min- ropolitan Chicago are working hard to prepare an excellent Conister of India, will attend. World-renowned figures will come to vention for you. Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago is also playshare their knowledge. The participation of Jain Scholars Dr. ing a major role in fund raising. The Convention registration fees Virendra Hegde, and Father Valles are confirmed. We also hope are part, but only part of the income needed for us to proceed. to confirm such U.S. dignitaries as Ted Turner and the Honorable The rest comes from generous donations. The JAINA ConvenSenator Hillary Clinton. We also have invited prominent leaders tion is an extraordinary event that furthers our cultural and relifrom India, namely, Mr. Dipchand Gardi, Mr. Srenikbhai gious traditions as well as our national and international ties. It Kasturbhai Sheth, and Mrs. Induben Jain. offers us a way to share our heritage with our sons and daughters This enriching event will feature memorable programs for while ensuring programs for while ensuring that our culture and traditions will be maintained Jains of all ages and languages. These programs will include schol for generations to come. I look forward to your support and pararly dialogues, cultural programs, exhibitions, meditation classes, ticipation. seminars, workshops, and special programs for families, youths, sincerely, and businesses. For young adults, a cruise and Marriage Informa Bipin D. Parikh Chairman, JAINA Convention Board JAINA CONVENTION BOARD DOCUMENTATION Vinay K. Vakani Ph: 201-967-9344 CHAIRMAN & CONVENOR Bipin D. Parikh PH: 847-699-1294 CO-CONVENOR Kishor C. Shah Ph: 630-671-0001 CO-CONVENOR Prabodh B. Vaidya Ph: 630-985-9144 ADVISOR Gyan Chand Jain Ph: 416-447-1650 FINANCE Keerti N. Shah Ph: 630-837-8716 PROGRAM & VIP Samprati Shah Ph: 847-524-0463 REGISTRATION Lata Champsee Ph: 416-441-2200 PUBLICITY Dilip V. Shah Ph:215-561-0581 SOUVENIR Virendra K. Shah Ph: 310-326-5268 HOSPITALITY - FACILITY Pravin M. Mehta Ph:815-436-1312 FOOD SERVICES Arvind M. Shah Ph: 847-699-7778 CULTURAL PROGRAMS Megha A. Doshi Ph:847-735-0120 YOUTH ACTIVITIES Mukesh Doshi Ph:847-517-2505 mukesh EXHIBITION & SOUVENIR Jagat J. Shah Ph: 630-529-5645 CONVENTION HQ Priya M. Shah 847-397-8316 48/JAIN DIGEST SPRING 2001 Jain Education International 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only


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