Book Title: Jain Digest 2001 01 Vol 17 No 01
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 23
________________ HEADQUARTERS NEWS.... JAINA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE grams will be suited to all age groups. Interfaith discussion will MEETS AT SIDDHACHALAM also be organized. Live web-cast is likely to be arranged if suitable technical assistance is made available. Executive Committee of JAINA held its meeting on September Registration for the Convention: Online registration and Credit 30, 2000, during the weekend when Kshamapana Day is celebrated card payment system is being set up. Everyone will get confirmaat Siddhachalam. The following are the highlights of the subjects tion of the registration. There will be cancellation charges. Registhat were discussed: tration forms will be published in upcoming Jain Digest. The meeting opened with the recitation of Navakar Mantra. fol- Fund Raising: Bipin Parikh and Kishor Shah presented the lowed by Mahendra Pandya, President, JAINA, welcome the at- budget and revenue figures. Contribution by various categories tendees. will be solicited. Regional Fund Raising Committees will be or•Vinay Vakani, Secretary, JAINA read the minutes of the meet- ganized. Fund raising through advertising in Souvenir and coming held during August, 2000 in Milpitas, California, which were mercial booths (meeting the Guidelines approved by the JAINA then approved. Convention Board) is planned. Events can be sponsored but not • Mahendra Pandya, President, JAINA presented his report to the speakers or scholars. JAINA Regional VP's will be asked to the Executive Committee on following: participate actively in regional fund raising activities. A fund rais ing dinner was being organized during October 2000 in Chicago. Unity-how important it is to maintain unity amongst the Jain community of North America. He explained how the Jain com A proposal was put forth by Mahendra Pandya, President JAINA munity in India was impressed by the non-sectarian approach that that to name Ravindra Kobavala (Chicago) to the JAINA Convention JAINA has followed in its dealings with different Jain traditions. Activity Review and Advisory Committee, and Arvind Vora (New York) to JAINA Interfaith Committee. JAINA Executive Com• JAINA calendar program and its success, attributing it to the mittee confirmed both nominations unanimously. support of the Jain community. • Mahendra Pandya, President, JAINA, proposed to replace the JAINA Patron program and its importance for financial health. current JAINA Library and Education Committee by four sepa• UN Conference of Religious Leaders organized by Bawa Jain rate committees. These are JAINA Education Committee to be and its success. chaired by Pravin K. Shah (North Carolina), JAINA Publication • Anop Vora, Treasurer, JAINA presented his report, with a com- Committee to be chaired by Dr. Prem Gada (Texas), JAINA Liment that more patrons were needed to come forward and help brary Committee to be chaired by Virendra Shah (California) and put JAINA on good financial footing. Uniform accounting pro- TAINA Website Committee to be chaired by Girish Shah (Calicedure for YJA, YJP, JAINA Convention Board as well as other fornia). After some discussion, the attendees affirmed the procommittees need to be set up. All JAINA Committee Chairper- posal unanimously and a formal resolution was moved and adopted sons should do disbursement of the funds for activities of their by the Executive Committee. Committee only after the review of the request by the JAINA Ex JAINA Committee Reports: ecutive Committee. • Media Watch/Public Relations Committee: Sushil Jain briefed • A suggestion came from Dilip Shah (Philadelphia) to make the the Executive Committee about the status of the case of tradeJain Digest self-sufficient and he volunteered to prepare a pro mark registering of the word JAIN. He presented several scenarios posal about how to accomplish this objective. and Executive Committee asked him to continue to pursue the • Messrs. Bipin Parikh, Kishor Shah and Samprati Shah from matter and report the matter at the next meeting. Chicago made presentation about the 2001 JAINA Convention. ention . Membership Committee: Kamlesh Shah indicated that there were • Bipin Parikh confirmed that Rosemont Convention Center three new Centers that would be applying for the membership would be the site of the Convention; they have not been able to Senior Citizens Committee: The committee is involved in esget the Grand Hall. tablishing Senior Groups at Los Angeles and other Centers. • Presently Keynote Speakers & Chief Guest are being pursued. Family Assistance Program: Ila Mehta asked that 800 number • Bipin Parikh conveyed that Convention accounting system has be prominently published in all issues of the Jain Digest. been set up in consultation with Anop Vora, and detailed account- . Temple Guidelines: Jagat Jain proffered that JAINA format ing report will be sent each quarter to Messrs. Anop Vora and should be promoted in new temples. After a very lively discussion Krishna Mehta (CPA-Auditor). it was concluded that this matter needs more deliberation to come • Samprati Shah assured that the programs would follow the up with acceptable alternates. Practicing Jainism in 21" Century theme of the Convention. Pro Jain Education Interational 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only JAIN DIGEST SPRING 2001/21


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