REGIONAL NEWS (continued)
was that several of the past JCYC students, landmark, in North America. This 24000- Sacramento, CA including my son Sheetal and daughter sq. ft. 2-story structure sits on a 1.7 acre lot Information about the regular activiShayna, volunteered as teachers and/or in the heart of the Silicon Valley. The 6,000 ties and forthcoming programs organized counselors. With over 850 participants, the Sq. ft. second floor will be reserved for reli- by the Jain Center of Greater Sacramento 4th Bi-Annual YJA Convention 2000 to be gious activities, and it will include a temple can be obtained by contacting Manoj Desai, held in Los Angeles from June 30 to July 2 with Pratimajis of all Jain Tirthankars. The JCGS President, at (916) 791-4111 or ewill be one of the largest gathering of the 18,000 sq. ft first floor houses a multi-pur- mail: m.desai@pbnec.com. Jain youths. Registration details are avail- pose Community Center for educational, able at http://www.yja.org website. The Jain social, cultural and religious activities. San Diego, CA Center members participated in a multi- The Prän Pratishthä of Mahavir Swami Regular activities organized by the Jain ethnic parade on February 5 in Santa Ana Pratimäji, which is going to be placed in Society of San Diego include - Navangi Puja celebrating the Black History Month the Jain Bhawan, was performed by H. H. at Shri Mandir every Saturday, a monthly
Schedule of various activities and Acharya Vardhamansagarji in Jaipur, India Jainshala at the home of Kokila Doshi, and events is available at www.jainbhavan.com on February 6th through 10th. In parallel, a monthly Jain adult class at Shri Mandir. website. For further information, please JCNC held Bhavna, Bhakti and Jäp here in For further information about the forthcontact Sumatibhai Shah, JCSC President, Bay Area. The auspicious Anjan Shaläkä of coming programs, please contact Kokila at sumatil@hotmail.com or (562) 926- Mulnayak Adinath and Parsvanath Doshi at (858) 679-7645 or e-mail: 4075.
Pratimäjis is scheduled to be performed by kdoshi@acusd.edu.
H. H. Acharya Padmasagarji in Pune, InSan Francisco, CA
dia on April 13th through 17h. Everyone is Canada Jain Bhawan which is being built in welcome to attend the most auspicious Dr. Mahendra Mehta, Regional Editor the City of Milpitas. So far a total of 4 mil- Anjan Shaläkä in India. lion dollars have been raised. Jain Bhawan JCNC has a very comprehensive Edu- Edmonton, AL is estimated to cost more than 6 million cation Plan, which consists of 35 pages out
Shree Padamvati Devi's Murti arrived dollars and will be ready in August 2000. lining all the details by our Education Com- in the middle of January, 2000. The Murti JCNC has ser a goal of having Akhand Tap mittee Coordinator and Vice-President
was made in Jaipur under the directions of Ärädhana of 2501 Tapascharyä until our Harendra Shah. JCNC has specifically de
our Dr Mahendra Jain who personally went Jain Bhawan is built of which over 2200 veloped education material for High School
to India to place the order and visited the Tapascharyä are completed. Shrimati and older youths, and for adults in a simple
site several times during his stay. The conSarojben Dagli, Shri Himatbhai Dagli, American language. In addition to JCNC,
cept of the Murti was derived from photo Shrimati Taraben Patel, Shri Bharatbhai this material is used in Chicago, Los Ange
of Padamvati Devi supplied by Sharadbhai Shah and Shrimati Vibhaben Vora are per- les and other areas. The material can be ac
& Naliniben Shah of Jain Society of Greater forming Varsitap for this upcoming cessed from our website. We have about 15
Detroit.A new temple of Padamavati Devi Pratishtha Mahotsav. On behalf of entire books to support our education curriculum.
was constructed next to the current Jain JAIN Sangh, we're asking for their sukh- In addition, JCNC has compiled Samäyik
Temple at a cost of $1,500 under guidance shätä. and Pratikraman in English with meanings.
of Shree Sushil Kalia and Pandit Shiv a Mahotsav: lain Center of In addition, we have acquired Samäyik kits Shanker Dwivedi. The Pratistha Ceremony Northern California invites everyone to join for children and youths.
will be performed on Mahavir Jayanti, April in celebrating Pratishtha Mahotsav of Jain For additional details and educational 16, 2000. Donations are accepted and Bhawan on August 4th through August 7th, material, please visit JCNC's website: http:/ cheques should be made in favour of Hindu 2000 at Jain Bhawan, 722 South Main /www.jcnc.org which is continuously up- Society of Alberta and mailed to Jain SociStreet, Milpitas, California. This will be the dated. In addition, significant amount of ety of Alberta, 2136 - 104 B Street, First Jain Temple in the North America to useful Jain Reference material is posted. The Edmonton, Alberta TOJ 5G8. For more have Pratimäjis with Prän Pratishthä, unit- website gets over 13000 hits per month. or Info, please contact Jasvant Mehta at (780) ing all Jains under one roof - Shwetämbar, contact Jitendra B. Shah at (408) 729-7916 435 - 9070. Digambar, Sthänakwäsi, Teräpanthi and or Harendra Shah at (510) 651-5284. the inspired ones by Shrimad Rajchandraji.
Jain Bhawan: Jain Bhawan's authentic design and architecture makes it a unique
107 JAIN DIGEST SPRING 2000 Jain Education International
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