Book Title: Jain Digest 1990 07 Vol 17 No 03
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ gether. JAIN DI GEST worked very diligently with India Abroad to bring this special J ain philosophy in its ultimate analysis is simplicity itself. supplement (first time in North America) just before Mahavir Theory propounded in Jainism still holds good and provides Jayanti. Again, we will continue efforts in this direction. better understanding for today's problems. One marvels how Contacts/Relationship with Jains in Other Countries Jain Tirthankaras and Monks wrote about the Pudgala theory Through personal contacts, visits, Jain Digest, letters and (atoms and energy), theory of Lesya (lasers? invisible auras?) phone calls, we are continuously developing relationships and how minutely they have worked out the logic of observawith Jains and Jain organizations in the UK, Germany, India, tion, judgement and determination of the facts in MAYA and Singapore and Japan. This is a very worthwhile activity. We SYADVAD. cannot remain in isolation as all Jains have a co-destiny to- The ultimate goal of life of all living beings is the liberation of the Soul (Moksha). The Soul possesses nine qualities in all of Video Tapes on Jain Rituals Some activities are now under- which conscientiousness or Chetna is the chief quality. Souls way to have short video tapes prepared on Jain rituals and living being) are also classified according to the number of philosophy. Let us see how much progress we can make in this sense organs they possess. Man possesses five senses along direction. with the mind. The lower animals progressively scale down JAINA Constitution Amendment A dynamic and forward from five to one sense organ. The soul strives for perfection moving organization such as JAINA needs to amend its continuously; there being no higher power than that of the constitution to meet the changing demands and needs. We Soul. The entire scientific and material progress of the world is have already taken steps in that direction. but an infinitesimally small expression of the latent power of JAINA: A Broadbased Organization More and more indi- the Soul. The next most important concept of the Jains is that viduals and member organizations are coming forward to of Karma and Karmic matter. participate. This is a very healthy sign. As regards Karma, Jainism holds that every effect has a Summary I have attempted to report some of the major cause. It is the general energy of the Soul which is the cause of activities of JAINA in a brief manner. Many individuals and its attachment with matter and its subsequent defilement. It is past and present leaders of JAINA and its member organiza- the the link of unions between the Soul and the body. Contions have contributed to this progress. There is a lot that needs nected with the doctrine of Karma, are the doctrines of reincarto be done. Progress of these and many other projects will be nation and transmigration. There is no short cut to life's regularly published in the Jain Digest. perfection, the law of Karma being inexorable. An Appeal I on behalf of JAINA appeal to all of you to come Jains believe in the theory of reincarnation, the cycle of birth forward and participate. JAINA is all of us, you and me. We and death. The ultimate objective is to attain perfect liberation need to hear from you. Also, volunteers for several projects are of the soul from this cycle of birth and death. Jainism believes needed, particularly for the Chair of Jainology at Harvard, Jain that the soul in its pristine glory is omniscient, blissful, has right book publishing, video, youth programs and exchanges. We knowledge, right vision and right conduct; has everlasting life, are anxious to hear from you. free from the cycle of birth and death. Presently, you may write to me or contact JAINA Executive Any idea of Divine Grace or forgiveness is, according to Committee members. O Jainism, only an oversimplification of the problems of sin, suffering and redemption. Since the primary duty of man is the evolution and perfection of his soul as well as his fellow creatures, the principle of Ahimsa is the cardinal principle of Jainism: An Overview Jainism. There is no conflict recognized between the true interest of the individual and humanity. It can not be denied The term Jain means the victor, or the convenor of the Ibondage of the ailments and life and comes from the that these rules (the line of vows of non-violence, truth, honword"jina." Jainism is one of the oldest religions in the world. esty, chastity and non-possession) are not without great social value. The supreme purpose of Jainism is the realization of the The Knowledge and recitation of the Navkar Mantra, Jainhighest perfection of the nature of man, free from all kinds of isms basic and sacred hymn, is most important and a must for pain or bondage. While there are about 10 million adherents to the Jain religion every Jain. It does not say, "We bow to Lord Mahavir," but it says, "We bow to the liberated souls, to the spiritual leaders, to in India today, and 400,000 abroad, Jainism is not a simple the teachers and monks." It preaches total surrender without religion. It does not consist of just ceremony and ritual, but is, indeed, a science, a collection of techniques to know the Self. reservation. Jainism is, therefore, a positive and secular religMany of the traditions and rituals which abide in this faith can ion. It is not against any religion and believes in establishing harmony in the whole universe. A Jain's duty is to see that this be understood to possess a deep yogic significance. universality is not lost. A religion of the perfect man believes that: It has already been said that the message of Jainism is for all 1) Every effect has a cause; 2) it emphasizes an equal kindness humanity. Its love extends not only to humanity but to all towards all life; 3) it is par excellence a religion of love and living creatures. The spirit of Jainism should have a great meskindness. It embraces the ancient techniques and philosophies handed sage for the world today torn with growing hostility and uncontrolled violence. down by the jinas, who are known as Arihantas or Tirthankaras. These are the main prophets in the Jain faith numbering 24. This lineage can be traced back to prehistoric times. Lord Mahavir was the most recent prophet (circa 500 B.C.), and Lord Parswanath was his predecessor. Jain Education International 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only


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