Book Title: Jain Digest 1990 07 Vol 17 No 03
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 18
________________ 15 JAIN DIGEST of the cow. It is cruelto end an animals life for our food or shoes. Karma Reactions Sometimes the whole life of a cow or chicken has been spent in to Non-Vegetarian Lifestyles suffering to prepare for their end as food for humans. In factory farms, conditions are poor and the animals are crowded in The concept of compassion towards all living beings has cages, without a chance to live or play, and are fattened up to I deep roots in the Hindu and Jain traditions. This strong be slaughtered. They may never have had a chance to raise their children or be with their families. emphasis on compassion meant that up till very recently these communities were strict vegetarians and even meticulously Vegetarians are people who find this suffering to animals avoided doing any form of trade in which animal flesh was very unfair. Vegetarians know that the earth is abundantly full involved. The reverence for the mother cow and a strong of good food to eat without using animals for food. Vegetarians anathema towards harming any animals, had such a strong think and care. Before they eat or use something, they want to influence on the psyche of these two communities that any know if it will cause anyone to suffer, or if it will in so,e way action to the contrary seemed extremely abhorrent. That the make the word better. Vegetarians want everyone, all people consumption of meat and meat associated trades should be and animals, to live the best life possible. I am a vegetarian and avoided has been laid down in the scriptures of both the Hindu I have chosen to live this way because I don't want to cause any and Jain faith. The following are some examples: suffering. You, my child, are a vegetarian. The food you eat, the 1) The purchaser of flesh performs Himsa (violence) by his clothes you wear, the things you use are chosen not to cause the wealth, he who eats flesh does so by enjoying its taste, the killer animal's suffering. It turns out that these foods nourish you does Himsa by actually tying and killing the animal. Thus very well. They provide you with all the protein, carbohy there are three forms of killing. He who brings flesh or sends drates, fat, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs to run for it, he who cuts off the limbs of an animal and he who and grow well. purchases, sells or cooks flesh and cats it all of these are These are the foods which grow in nature. We try to use them considered meat-caters. - Mahabharat in their whole form as close to the way they appear in nature. 2) All creatures desire self-preservation, hence no creature We have many vegetables, and the leaves, stems, flowers, should be slaughtered. - Acharang Sutra, Jainism roots, and seeds of many different kinds of plants. They are It is thus a matter of great regret that at present many Hindu varied, colorful and delicious in all of our different recipes. You and Jain families are entering the meat trade. Significantly, love carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, celery, cabbages and from many examples that I have seen, those families that enter corn! We eat fruits, such as apples, grapes, strawberries, such trades, seem to suffer immediate Karma reactions, resultcherries all delicious and sweet! We eat grains made from ing in loss of wealth, family quarrels, sudden illness and many the seeds of plants, such as wheat, rice or barley. You love other setbacks. The law of Karma, it seems, works on the same pizza, rice cakes, and macaroni! We eat beans and legumes, basis as the modern court of law, i.e., the punishment is more such as in steaming lentil soups and peanut butter. You like severe to the individual who knowingly commits a crime, than nuts, such as almonds or walnuts in cookies, and seeds, such as to one who commits a crime unknowingly. Hindus and Jains sunflowers, for snacks. All of these and many more make your know that trading in meat is wrong, and hence, when they do, body strong and healthy and help you to do all the things you the punishment is immediate and severe. want to do in life. While it is recognized that it is difficult to give up a trade by As you grow older, you will see that much of the world does which one is earning a living, if one keeps faith in God, and things with a carelessness and unkindness that may surprise takes the trouble to avoid a meat associated trade, the Almighty you. Animal foods, fast foods and foods of little nutritional will more than compensate in the long run. worth may surround you. There may be a general unaware Thus the following trades should be avoided: ness in getting these products and the consequences of eating (1) Shows where any meat, including mcat in tins, fish and them. I hope that you will continue being a vegetarian. Al eggs are sold. In the shops already owned, other lines of sale though it may secm harder at times to be different in the face of should be introduced. such a world, look closely at the ways of the world and see what (2) Guest houses, retired homes, hotels and restaurants they lead to. If you continue to choose vegetarianism, I think where meat, fish and eggs would be served. you will find that there are many hidden blessings waiting for (3) Letting one's property where meat, fish or eggs are sold. you. I have! (4) Businesses dealing in leather goods. Editor's Note: This article is a partial reprint from Vegetarian (5) Working for the meat or meat associated industry. Voice, vol. 13, no. 4. (6) Buying shares or investing money in any meat associated business. And according to an Associated Press story, May 9, 1990, At the time when there is high unemployment and increasa major dietary study by a Cornell University researcher sug. ingly difficult to make ends meet, the above suggestions may gests that "humans are a vegetarian species whose risk of sound like a cruel joke. But Laxmi, the Goddess of wealth, stays disease is increased by eating meat and animal products." only where there is Narayan and Lord Narayan only stays with The article states, "A plant-based diet is more likely to pro- his devotees. In the short run, it may look very difficult, but in mote good health and reduce the risks of heart problems, the long run it will be good for us and good for our children. cancer, diabetes, osteroporosis and other diseases." Our ancient Indian culture rests on the pillar of Ahimsa. Take T. Colin Cambell, a nutritional biochemist who directed away that pillar of Ahimsa and our culture is in danger. the continuing study says that animal foods, in general, are Preserving and propagating the ideal of Ahimsa, laid down by not helpful. Lord Krishna and Lord Mahavir is the biggest challenge of our times. Jan Education International 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only


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