Book Title: Jain Digest 1990 07 Vol 17 No 03
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ JAIN DIGEST ANIMAL PROTECTION Shrenik opened many shelters for animals coming from fam ine-struck states, and declared that slaughtering any animals By Narendra Sheth would be illegal. His declaration of animal protection is said to In the times of Lord Mahavira, Shrenik was the king of be so hearty, that he earned the Naam Karma to be the first Magadh. He was very wise and religious. He and his Tirthankar of the coming cra. minister, Abhaykumar, followed the concept of nonviolence, as preached by Mahavir. However, not all of his courtiers believed so. One day, they were discussing some economic matters. A messenger brought news about a famine in some nearby states. Everyone talked about the possible consequences. One courtier said that now the cows and sheep will migrate from there to here. Another courtier guessed that they will be sold cheap here. And another one suggested that we should open up new International News slaughterhouses and take advantage of the situation. One said that the treasury should collect additional taxes from such income. Another one thought that now the meat will be cheap, and everyone should eat more meat and worry less about vegetables. Exchange of Scholars Between Harvard Hearing all this, the wise minister, Abhaykumar was sad. Butinstead of arguing, he thought of teaching them all a lesson. University and Jain Vishwa Bharti That night, he went to the house of the first courtier. After proper respect, the courtier asked the reason for the visit. professor John Carman, a prfoessor in Comparative ReligAbhaykumar answered, "All of a sudden, King Shrenik got a rion at the Center for Studies in World Religions at Hardisease. The doctor has prescribed two ounces of human heart vard University, and Dr. John Cort, Ph. D. in Jainism and flesh. I know how dearly you love the King, so I came to your lecturer in Jainism at Harvard University, arrived at JVB, house." The courtier got scared. After removing two ounces Ladnun, Rajasthan, India, with the proposal of establishing a from his heart, how could he'survive? So he went inside, and Chair in Jainism at the above mentioned center. Professor brought a bag full of cash, saying "I can not do that. Take this Carman, who had been the director at the center for seventeen money, and please do not tell the King that you came to my years and had recently retired in 1989), presented this plan of house. Please go to someone else's house." Then Abhaykumar propagating Jainism in foreign countries. Dr. N. Tatia was went to the second courtier's house. The same thing happened invited as a visiting professor at Harvard University for one there. Abhaykumar went to many houses that night, collecting term and proposed for the reciprocal exchange of scholars money the same way. Everybody gave cash to hide their between JVB and Harvard University. This led to an invitation identity, but no one gave two ounces from their own heart to one of their scholars visiting JVB in 1990 for working on the flesh. project of Alankara Shastra based on Hemchandra.O The next day, everyone came to court. King Shrenik looked healthy, so they felt that they were safe. For the sake of courtesy, each one asked Shrenik, "How are you now? Was the night very painful?" Shrenik did not understand this. He looked at Abhaykumar for an explanation. Abhaykumar rose. He said, "Your Highness! Yesterday all Vegetarian Village in Israel these courtiers were busy discussing how the meat will become cheap because of the famine. Last night I went to their houses N ot far from the biblical and historical sites of Nazareth, to get some flesh from their bodies. They all gave me a lot of Acre, Capernaum, the Mountain of Beatitudes and Sea of cash, but no one gave me the flesh. So, what is cheap? The cash, Galilee, lies a unique village. It is unique becuase here only or the flesh?" All the courtiers looked down with shame. vegetarians live. The village, called 'Amirim', was founded in Nobody could utter a word. 1958, by people interested in a vegetarian way of life. The Then Abhaykumar continued, "Fear not, I do not want to village is nestled on the slopes of Galilee - overlooking the scare anyone. I just wanted to open your eyes. We get greatly beautiful Sea of Galilee. scared if we have to give any flesh from our body, because we Amirim is Hebrew for "tree tops" and it is set in the Galilian love our body very dearly. In the same way the animals also landscape among young and ancient olive trees. Its orchards love their body very dearly. We try to save our body with cash, include apples, apricots, almonds, figs, peaches, pears, pecans, but what can those poor animals do? We can think and talk. and pomegranates. The cultivation of all fruit, flowers, and What can they do? Can they tell us their plight? Giving them vegetables is by natural means without the use of any chemithe pain of death is a big sin. We should remember that no one cals or chemical sprays. Guests are served the tastiest vegetarlikes to die; everyone loves his life. That is why the protection ian food and accommodated in rooms or bungalows, all with of all animals is the highest principle of the religion." private facilities. The King was very pleased with the speech of Abhaykumar. There is a long tradition of vegetarianism in Israel and a All the courtiers also realized the importance of animal protec strong belief that the ancient scriptures of Israel recommend a tion, and right there took vows to never eat meat again. King vegetarian dieta Jain Education Interational 2010_02 For Private & Person Use Only


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