Book Title: Jain Digest 1990 07 Vol 17 No 03
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 13
________________ JAIN DIGEST whole person, not someone who should mimic the doings of Vegegarianism others just to fit in. Within the community, we need a hundred by Steve Jain, Athens, OH times more unity than we now have. Look at the Jews. They are (Son of Dr. and Mrs. S. K. Jain) so united that they would do almost anything to secure their faith and to help other Jews do the same. Their unity is a good Vegetarianism is one of the many fundamental principles example for us who are still struggling to unite people who V of Jainism. True and loyal Jains are pure vegetarians. We don't really want unity but personal gain. This must stop, or should not be afraid to admit our ways just because we fear else your great-grandchildren will curse this generation for its others will look down upon us. We should be proud and stand uncaring attitude stemming from ignorance. Teach your chil- up to these people. dren their roots and their religion for their benefit. The rewards We recognize ourselves as vegetarians to aid our belief of of such efforts will surprise you.a "ahimsa," but do we really stop ourselves from eating foods that have been made indirectly or directly through the harm of animals? Dairy products are prime examples of foods widely accepted A Play About Nem Rajul as edible for Jains. The truth is that so many sacred cows are put through a great amount of unnecessary pain. Cows have been All the Jain Centers celbrate Mahavir Jayanti by performing injected with many artificial hormones to stimulate milk prosome puja. The Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago presented duction. I agree that dairy products are vital for maintaining a dance drama on Nem Rajul, April 8, 1990. It's English healthy lives, but we should try to speak out if not stop the translation by Uttam K. Jain is printed in part below and the consumption of products, such as dairy products, that are second half will be printed in the next issue. edible for Jains but are actually hurting the animal they come from. The immortal, true story of love and marriage that ended I up into an ascetic life for the prince Nemkumar and the princess Rajul is very inspirational, even today. Prince Nemkumar is a younger brother of Maharaja Krishna of Dwarika. Though always deep into his own soul searching Young Jains In America and averse to the joys of worldly possessions and materialistic by Seema Singhvi, Springboro OH life, including the idea of marriage, Nemkumar is forced by his (Daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Surender Singhvi) parents and other relatives into agreeing to marry. This is a matter of joy and celebration for his relatives and the people of As young Jains raised in America, it is our duty to acquire Dwarika. A as much knowledge as possible about the Jain religion. The day for the weeding has been fixed. Joyful music is heard We have a responsibility not only to ourselves, but also to the everywhere. The upcoming wedding of Nem with Rajul is the future Jains of America. talk of the town. Streets are lavishly decorated for the grand Being the small group that we are, Jains have to make a occasion. And...the day comes! special effort to develop a center for prayers and meetings. We On this wedding day, thousands of men and women, all must utilize our houses or rent halls to conduct our monthly dressed in colorful clothes, exotic costumes and ornaments, pujas, all of which take time and dedication. We must take the join the wedding procession. In real life, there were elephants, initiative in order for our principle and beliefs to be spread horses, chariots, etc. to enhance the grand occasion. across North America. Having been descended from the first And there it arrives, as the pinnacle of that magnificent Indian generation, it is our responsibility to ensure that the procession, the chariot of Nemkumar. Maharaja Krishna of proper knowledge of religion and culture is taught to the future Dwarika leads the bridegroom's procession. Jains of America. The exuberance of the people is ever prevalent and felt very As a young child, my parents requested that I attend all strongly in the atmosphere of joy, music, singing and melodies, monthly Jain meetings and encouraged me to write essays each and street dancing. year. Of course, at that age, I would have rather played with my Every heart in the procession is totally overtaken and fueled friends. Nevertheless, I went to the meetings half-heartedly. by the power of the glory of the pleasing and dignified person Today, however, I can appreciate all of their efforts. I underality of Nemkumar. stand that they had a parental obligation to fulfill, i.e., teach With all of its splendor, this magnificent procession of the their children the Jain religion and Indian culture. At 21, bride-groom, Nemkumar, is inching towards the palace of though my parents do not force me to attend monthly functions Maharaja Ugrasen, the father of the princess bride, Rajul. and write essays, I do them with enthusiasm and eagerness. The exuberance of the people at the bride's palace is of no Today, I am proud and confident of my knowledge of basic lesser degree than that at the bridegroom's procession. Last Jainism and am eager to continue my Jain education. minute preparations are finally coming to an end. Every soul I know that one day it will be my responsibility to educate my is prepared to receive and welcome the bride-groom's party. children. Since future generations should not be deprived of The princess bride, Rajul, gifted with heavenly beauty, ele- their Indian heritage, parental guidance is strongly needed. I gance and gracefulness, is surrounded by her girlfriends who hope today's generation can teach the Jain religion to future must finish decorating the bride. generations. With emotion and dreams, Rajul's anxiety to encounter the Editor's Note: Seema recently got married to Sunil Jain of bridegroom and her would-be husband is at its peak. Her Chicago. Our heartiest congratulations and best wishes to mental situation is beyond one's description. For Private & the newly married couple.


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